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The towering figure caught my eye, I hoped it's Ali,someone was standing in front of the that person, blocking my view of their face,when the person drew nearer, visage finally came into my view and a wave of surprise washed over me- was it because this person wasn't Ali!!? whom I had expected, or was it's his unique and sharp features !!??

He drew more closer, allowing me to have a proper look of his appearance. He came right Infront of me and stood still, His height so tall, eyes were light brown fringed with long lashes, a sharp, chiseled jawline, His utterly gorgeous personality in simple black t-shirt and pants that hugged his figure. His dark brown, almost black hair was concealed beneath a cap.

His close presence divided my attention and I realized I had been staring him for several minutes without blinking which was weird extremely weird.

I shouldn't have looked at him like that, no matter how handsome he was.

I realized he was still standing right in front of me standing so close. I stared straight into his eyes, hoping he would be the one to look away.

My lips parted and I murmured "Doesn't he know a man should lower his gaze?" But then hypocrisy washed over me as I remembered how I had been gawking at this stranger before.

His expression were utterly unreadable,he was still staring in a straight direction, I decided to break the tense silence and asked "Hello Mr, are you mute or something?"

The words had scarcely left my mouth, his unreadable mask cracked and anger flickered on his face.

Azlaan's Pov:

Her words pierced jolting me, I blinked rapidly and shift my focus to the lady standing Infront me. I hadn't even noticed her before, I was so engrossed in studying the map which was directly behind her.

When my vision cleared, I drank in her modest yet elegant appearance. She was wearing a simple dress with a lab coat, a visual testament to her role within the hospital. The loose dupatta was draped atop her head, leaving strands of her brown hair framing her face. Dark, almond shaped eyes burned with a fiery intensity as she glared at me, her features were alluring and soft except her eyes,they were so sharp and gorgeous.

Her look definitely mesmerized me and gave me a pause, but then her taunting voice rang out and I tore my gaze away, Iooked around and then looked back into her eyes, This lady had the audacity to say something like this without any reason when we are surrounded by so many people.

She waved her hand in front of my face and used hand gestures as if I am deaf and could not hear whatever nonsense she was saying. I sighed and looked up at her, replying in the same mocking tone, "I'm not mute, but you should really mute yourself!"

The moment she heard my words, she glared at me with even more anger in her eyes. This satisfied me because it meant she received an equally harsh response from me.

The tension crackled between us like static electricity. She replied with even more anger, "How dare you!!?First you were just staring at me, not moving at all,And now you're being extremely rude to me!"

I passed a sarcastic smile"ahh look who is talking about being rude" She escaped a sigh and said"I actually thought you needed some help, so I was just -"

I cut her off in the middle, saying "For your kind information, I wasn't staring at you. I was studying this map which happens to be located right where you're standing. It's your mistake that you are standing in this spot and assumed people here are interested in gawking at you!"

I said this, and it changed her expression. She stepped aside, allowing me to view the map, when our eyes met again, I could read her expression on her face, an unspoken acknowledgment that her outburst had been an overreaction which she was definitely regretting.

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