Soul Survivor: Part One

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Dean's back in the bunker undergoing trials to cure him of being a demon. He's locked up in the dungeon right now and is screaming his head off for someone to let him out. He can keep yelling for someone to come let him out but you're going to continue to ignore him. You're sitting in the library with your feet kicked up on one of the tables. You're reading a magazine you found in your room about whatever celebrity is getting canceled.

"Stupid fucking Kim. Always getting yourself into some shit," you scoff and turn the page.

Sam walks into the library with a duffel bag slung over his shoulder. He stops when he sees you and studies your behavior.

"I'm going to go get purified blood and talk to a priest."

"I don't care," you say and continue reading. If looks could kill, then Sam would be burning holes into your head. You groan and set your magazine down to look at him. "What?"

"Sorry, it's just so weird to see you this way."

You shrug and go back to reading.

"Get used to it. This is the new me."

Sam leaves without another word. Now that it's just you and Dean alone in the Bunker, you might as well have some fun with this. You toss your magazine to the side and make your way down to the dungeon. Dean is struggling against the ties when you enter the storage room. Dean stills when he hears the click of your heels on the concrete floor. His eyes turn pitch black knowing it won't scare you. You grab a lone chair and drag it over to him so you can be face-to-face with him.

Dean looks pissed but he isn't going anywhere, not with the demon handcuffs on sitting on a chair in the middle of a devil's trap. He looks like he's ready to kill but you smirk and lean back into your chair.

"Soak it in, princess, because when I get free, I'm going to make your death last twice as long as you've been alive."

You can't help but laugh at his threat. That only pisses him off more but you laugh more.

"I'm sorry," you giggle. "Even your threats are pathetic. It's fitting. Pathetic threats for a pathetic demon."

Dean's hand twitches in anger. Instead of egging you on for another fight, he changes tactics.

"What are you gonna do if I am cured? Hmm? I'll go back to my normal self that loves and cares for you. You know damn well I'll stop at nothing to get you back to who you were before."

You don't say anything because you know he's right. Once Dean is cured, he'll do anything to get his wife back. You like life like this. Life is so much easier when you're not worrying about everything and everyone. Still, you don't let it show that what he says bothers you. Instead, you decide to turn it around and throw it back at him.

"So? You'll be back to normal while I still stay like this. All your pesky emotions will be dialed back on which will make this relationship that much more painful. To know that I don't give a shit about you while your heart still bleeds for me. It's going to be so much fun to watch you crumble to the ground as you watch the love of your life live her life without you."

Sam returns back from the priest and the hospital quicker than you thought. He must not want you to be around Dean for longer than you have to. You slide back from Dean when he enters with blood bags in the duffel bag. He doesn't say anything about the way Dean is glaring at you and the way you're smirking at Dean. Dean focuses his attention on his brother and rolls his eyes when he sees the blood bags.


"For whatever it's worth, I got your blood type."

Sam takes out the blood bags and lays them on the table along with the medical instruments he's going to use to stick Dean.

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