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Yns pov

It was Monday, just a normal Monday, right? WRONG me and hope are doing a thing where we have to do a challenge the other one gives all week today hope gave me ignoring lizzie and I gave her ignore josie oh how great minds think alike jokes I think she stole my idea

Monday - ignoring

Lizzie walked in and came straight over to me and led by me "Hi baby" she said in her normal cheery voice and I ignored her "baby" she said again confused as she tillted her head to her left o got my phone out and started playing it before it was swipped from my hands I looked around the room in confusion ignoring lizzie "yn?" I heard her say again thus time I looked at her but still ignored her she looked hopeful "baby" she said and just as I had before I looked around the room pretending not to notice I know she was hurt by this as she got out of my bed and laid on hers again I looked at her as her back was towards me and fell asleep.

Tuesday - wiping of kisses

Lizzie walked into science the one we were in and sat in her usual seat next to me she kissed me on the cheek but I wipped it off she frowned at me and ignored me before carring on with her work I can't lie it hurt but I knew this week was going to hurt lizzie way worse

We git back to the doors and liz pushed me onto the bed kissing me again I ripped it off again and she frowned "what was that for" she said questioning me "liz what are you on about" I said pretending not to notice she kissed me again and I wiped it she stormed out

Wednesday - perfume prank

I didn't actually see her today, which was weird, but maybe she was still mad

Thursday - lipstick prank

I put lipstick on my hand, and lizzie walked in. I looked at her shocked
"ELIZABETH SALTZMAN WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" I shouted at her as I slapped her. I felt bad, but the mark was on her face now
"W...w...what do you mean?" she said, tearing up
"ON YOUR FACE," I said, getting 'angrier'
"I don't know, I...I... I didn't let anyone near me. I sat at the mill all day by myself even last night nobody could have I.. I..," she started stuttering. Wait, so she has been out there since Tuesday, I thought to myself
"Liz, it's a prank look at me, liz." she looked at me as I placed my hands on her neck
"Lizzie, what do you mean you were out there by yourself?" she had gone quiet. "lizzie baby? Why where you put there you could have come back in my girl"
"Prank?" She said, wipping her eyes "actually all week has been a prank, but that's not important right now. Are you okay? Are you safe?" I asked, looking at her she just hugged me and nodded, finally over with these dumb games. Hope plays

Lizzie Saltzman/Jenny Boyd Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now