Chapter 167 - World Heroes Mission (Part Three)

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Kira, Bakugou and Todoroki are ordered to stay at the hotel, under strict orders this time. They even have Clair keeping an eye on them to ensure that they stay put. If Midoriya has this enormous target on his back, what's to stop them from attracting such misguided attention? While they wait at the hotel, Endeavour heads to the police headquarters to try and get to the bottom of this mistake.

Kira's foot impatiently taps on the luxury vinyl flooring, as she sits on one of the cushioned chairs in the lobby. Bakugou shares the space with her, though he's taken to pacing across the lobby, his arms crossed and his head down. Todoroki is in another room, having decided to research further into Humarise and the laws surrounding Midoriya's troubling situation.

"What the hell is taking so long?" Bakugou grumbles under his breath.

Kira watches him stride down the length of the lobby in front of her and she abruptly gets to her feet, causing her classmate to stop pacing. "I'm going to check on Todoroki," she tells Bakugou. "It's been too long - maybe Midoriya decided to contact him again."

"Fine, whatever," Bakugou replies grouchily. "I'm staying here. I wanna be the first to hear what Endeavour has to say about this crappy situation when he returns."

Kira nods and leaves Bakugou in the lobby, searching for her other classmate. She finds him quickly, opening the sliding door, noticing him and Clair peering at Todoroki's phone.

"Todoroki," she speaks up, rushing over to figure out what's he's discovered. "What is it? Has Midoriya contacted you?"

"Yeah." He nods, positioning the phone so she can read the message. "It's a decoded message."

"I see," she murmurs. "You figure out what it means?"

Todoroki pockets his phone. "Midoriya is headed to Klayd, if he isn't there already."

"Klayd?" Kira frowns. "The neighbouring country? Why is he going there?"

"He may be trying to avoid the authorities," Clair tells her. "By crossing the border to Klayd, he stands a better chance."

"Isn't Endeavour going to sort this out?" Kira wonders.

The hero sighs, as she steps away from Todoroki and Kira. "It's not that easy."

"Even though the news is fake?" Kira pushes.

"Even then."

Kira glances at her classmate, a crazy thought spiralling through her mind.

"We should go," she blurts.

"I agree," Todoroki agrees, replying quickly to her idea. "We should leave as soon as we can."

Kira hums in agreement, following Todoroki out of the room and back to the lobby, where Bakugou awaits their return.

"Bakugou," Todoroki says. "Come with us."

"What's going on?" He asks.

"Midoriya left a secret message on Todoroki's phone," Kira explains. "We're going to Klayd."

"That's where the damn nerd is?"

"Looks like."

"About time something happened," he grumbles.

Kira scoffs at his comment, before leaving the hotel with Bakugou on her left and Todoroki on her right. As soon as she leaves the safety of the hotel, Kira knows something's wrong. They're being watched.

"You two feel that too?" She murmurs.

"Of course!" Bakugou retorts.

Todoroki leans over to lower his voice. "We'd better lose the police before we do anything else."

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