Chapter 169 - World Heroes Mission (Finale)

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The sound of people muttering, feet shuffling and a faint high-toned beeping forces Kira back to consciousness, her eyes cracking open to reveal a plain, white sky. She blinks a few times, trying to clear her vision, noticing that above her is in fact not the sky, but a ceiling. Her lips are dry, her throat raw, as she turns her head to the large window covering one side of the wall. Someone's standing there, the sun's rays stretching around their body, but she's a little delirious still, her vision unfocused. Beside her is another bed and that's when she spots Bakugou's sleeping, his face gentle and covered in bandages. One of his eyes is hidden from her, the bandages flattening part of his hair. Kira sits up abruptly at his unconscious body in the bed next to her, the machines starting to beep chaotically around her.

"Kiriya!" Midoriya's voice startles her, sat up in his own bed across the room. "You're awake."

Kira's eyes scan the room, the machine beside her still beeping rapidly, her heart slamming against her chest. Opposite her own bed is Rody Soul and two young children - must be his family. Beside Rody's bed is an empty one and Kira's head turns to Todoroki by the window. Opposite Bakugou's bed is Midoriya, still watching her with wide eyes.

"What happened?" She asks, her voice unknown to her. "Where are we?"

"Don't worry," Todoroki speaks up from by the window, turning to address her. "We're back in Otheon."

"Otheon?" Kira repeats. "But, what about the police and Humarise and the bombs-"

"It's okay," Midoriya reassures her, a warm smile on his face. "We did it." Kira relaxes at his serenity. "We stopped them."

"So... everyone's safe?"

Midoriya nods. "Yeah. Everyone's safe."

Kira listens to the beeping of the machines settle slightly, as her heartbeat resumes its normal pace, before she looks back down at Bakugou. "Is he okay?" She wonders, watching the sheets move with his laboured breathing.

"He'll be fine." Her question is answered, but not by her classmates, or by Rody. Recovery Girl shuffles into the room, her walking stick clacking on the tiled ground with every other step. "Though you kids should be more careful."

"We didn't really have a choice," Kira tells the elderly lady, as she waddles to Kira's bedside.

"How are your arms?" She asks, ignoring her response.

Kira pushes the covers of her body, revealing her arms wrapped in tight, layered bandages. Right - her arms and wrists were impaled by those villains blades. She turns her limbs over, gently gripping the material, feeling the thickness of it, how secure it is. It still hurts, but feels mostly healed.

"I'm fine," she says, lowering her arms back down onto her lap.

"And your back?"

"My back?" Kira frowns, involuntarily straightening.

"You were pretty badly wounded, Kiriya," Todoroki speaks up, stepping away from the window. "Just like Bakugou."

"I said I'm fine," she replies harshly, before turning back to Recovery Girl, waiting patiently by her bed. "I have a second Quirk," she reveals all of a sudden. She just doesn't care anymore. "A healing type."

"Is that so?" Recovery Girl murmurs, nodding slightly, as she moves around Kira's bed to approach Bakugou. "That makes sense, actually. Your injuries were on the same level as your friend here" - she gestures to Bakugou - "but, you've already recovered a lot faster than him, despite receiving equal treatment."

"Sorry to have wasted your Quirk," Kira mutters.

Recovery Girl chuckles lightly at that. "It also clears something else up," she adds. "Something that's been troubling me for a while now."

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