Chapter 20

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*With seungmin and yuna*

Yuna pulled away from her younger brother and just looked down in awe. Seungmin looked so much older and mature compared to the last time she saw him. He also looks a lot healthier which she will personally be thanking bangchan for when she gets the chance.

"You have grown up so much" Yuna still had some tears running down her face but she didnt care, maybe later she would worry about the smugged mascara, but not now, not when she finally has her brother back.

"I-i cant believe y-you are really here" seungmin sobbed out, looking down at the floor "i-i didnt think i would ever find you again"

"You did, you did find me, we are together again, dont cry sweetie" she pulled the boy back into a hug, shushing him slightly.

She could slightly hear from the living room that the others were talking in soft tones and she appreciated the effort.

"Did you want to go back and see the others" yuna questioned softly when she felt seungmin calm down in her arms.

"Mhm" but he made no attempt at moving, just relishing in the comforting touches of his sister "I missed you" he sniffles "i missed you so much".

"I missed you too seung" she softly kissed the top of the boys hair.

"I-i need to give you something... well return something" he peeled away from Yuna and unclipped the necklace, then gesturing to yuna to turn around so he could place it on her.

She did as told with new found tears welling up in her eyes. She honestly didnt think she would have ever been able to find the necklace again, adding on to that, she never thought she would see Seungmin again. She was really hoping this wasnt a dream and this was real because if she woke up and seungmin wasnt beside her she would be heartbroken.

"Th-thanks" she sniffles when she turns back around to her brother, leaning and giving him another big hug. "So... you got a boyfriend" she raised an eyebrow at the quickly turning tomato in front of her.

"W-well uh its uh its complicated" he scratches the back of his tousled hair.

"Our whole lives are complicated, lay it on me" she guides the boy into the kitchen away from the others to have a little bit more privacy with the boy.

"W-well... now please please dont judge me for this" seungmins breath picked up slightly but yuna was quickly able to defuse it by reassuring the boy that she would never judge him "well um i have 6 boyfriends" he hesitantly looks up and meets his sisters eyes, expecting pure disappointment but was shocked to see a proud look in yunas eye.

"Damn you managed to get yourself 6 boyfriends, congrats seung, im happy for you" she ruffles the boys hair slightly "who is the single one" she questioned.

"Oh uh jisung... the boy that helped me"

"Wait, wait thats not one of your boyfriends" she sputtered out.

"Uh no" he cocked an eyebrow at his sister finding her reaction weird.

"But you both seemed so comfortable with each other and he helped you and... i dont know you both just gave off boyfriend vibes" she shrugged slightly, still surprised that the cute, squirrel like boy was the only single one in the group.

"Well i mean i wouldn't uh m-mind i guess but he only came like 3 days ago and hes been through alot so i dont think any of us are trying to rush him right now" seungmin blurted out, his mouth speaking before he could think of what to say.

"Thats good seung, i heard what happened with him and i really hope his parents are found and he can finally have some peace"

"Yeah it has been a crazy past few days but hopefully us being here will help not only him calm down and relax but the others aswell"

It felt nice to have a conversation without having to worry that their parents were going to come and abuse them or worry that it would be the last time seeing the other.

"I think we should probably head out and see the others, they probably want to make sure we are okay" Yuna began standing up holding a hand out for her brother to grab a hold of which he did.

They both walked into the living room where they saw everyone talking in hushed voices, well all except two. Jisung was snuggled up against bangchan sleeping quietly, whilst changbin was snoring away on the singular couch chair reclined all the way back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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