3 Year Anniversary Q&A

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Hello everyone! Happy Star Wars Day!

I hope you have had a wonderful day and I apologise for making you wait so long. I had intended to post a chapter before now, but schedules being as they are, I thought I would get this out quickly before I post the next chapter in the next day or so.

3 years of APOD... my goodness, how time flies. I hope you are all enjoying it as much as I am and I do hope to get back to a regular schedule, though writing in general has been a little difficult of late. I will get there!

That being said, here are some of the answers for the Q&A, I hope you enjoy and I shall be back in the next few days for a chapter post!

7luLuna asks:-

What inspires you for Zaiya's actions??

Zaiya is very pragmatic, level-headed and thinks about her actions before committing to them... most of the time. There are the occasional moments of leaping before thought when it comes to the ones she cares about. The inspiration comes I guess from me, though she of course is her own character and I have to take her traumas and experience into account when having her act or react. There have been parts I have had to rewrite, but for the most part, writing for her comes pretty easily to me.

Antex-The Legendary Zoroark asks:-

For Siren/Zaiya: How will you, alongside Maul, take rightful justice against both Sidious and Kenobi? Especially with your current lack of resources? It's obvious that you need a long-term plan to reach this long-term goal.

"Justice is not something realistic, though I would be satisfied with good old-fashioned revenge. As for our resources, don't you worry about that. We have ways. Though the Temptress did have a number of useful things aboard, we can always use more. First we gather our strength, then we strike."

For Maul: After successfully pruning the galaxy of the dead weight that is the Jedi and Sidious, what next? Create a new Organization of loyal members to expand your legacy? Like a Crimson Dawn Kingdom/Empire? Or maybe even a family perhaps?

"I have a family in my brothers, I have my organisation at the very beginning of its emergence, so two of those goals are already achieved. I will find a way to destroy Sidious... and I will take everything from him. I will rip his legacy asunder and make it mine. I will take back the destiny he and Kenobi denied me."

For Feral: Utilizing your role as an assassin, what other techniques do you plan to implement to fulfill your role/mission objectives even more smoothly than how they are now? Basically what will you add to your skill repertoire that can help grant you an extra edge? Specifically when you as an assassin are exposed? Assassins thrive in shadows after all, but even they need to adapt as the situation calls for it.

"Heh, yeah, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. I mean the Force is good, but the Mandalorians aren't wrong having all those weapons just in case. I am a skilled hunter, and have learned to adapt to the changing situation of the hunt. What is an assassin but an elite hunter? Not to mention... I think Lady Siren has something in mind for me improving my skills."

Finally, last but not least, Savage: Until more of your memories return and you're adjusted to your new body, what role shall you take? That of a tank? A juggernaut who causes destruction/carnage upon his enemies? If so, how will you temper/control that anger/rage/hate so that you're in control of it and it isn't in control of you? What can you see yourself as in the future that lies ahead for your family along with Maul and Zaiya?

"I, like my brothers, am now a Lord of Dawn. I do what needs to be done, whether that is as a 'tank' or a strategist. Maul and Siren are the most skilled at that, but I was a leader of the tribes on Dathomir. As for the rage... My memories are hazy of the time before my transformation. I remember my skills of course, but I do not think this rage is solely mine. I believe Mother Talzin imparted some of it into me. For the future, I plan to stay with my family. Being with them, in control of our destinies was always the goal. Now we just have to take it."

high-functioning-fangirl473 asks:-

Have you thought about making love interests for Savage and Feral? The boys deserve happy endings after all.

You are correct. They do deserve all the lovely things. I haven't got anything solid in mind, but there certainly is a possibility in the future of them finding a special someone. Whether male, female or otherwise presenting, I do not yet know, but I have not ruled it out.

What are Savage and Feral's ages in your story? As well as the age gap between them and Maul? By this time we know Maul about about 33-34ish, and their age gap isn't clear.

I have left it a little vague, and canon isn't totally clear either, some say Savage is older, some say Maul, but in this case, at this point in time Maul is about 33, Zaiya is a few months younger. Savage is 29 and Feral is 26. I thought there would be more of a gap initially but I had to figure out a way to have Maul know Feral and Savage as children for the reunion later, and Maul was taken when he was about 7 in this telling. Canon that I have seen is unclear as to when he was taken, but... I mean his 'kidnapping' was told from Zaiya's perspective... So whether it happened exactly like that, who knows?

Once again, thank you everyone for your questions, comments, your support and your kind words. I hope to have a chapter out this week and more for Sins soon as well. As always, I appreciate every one of you, please look after yourselves and I hope you enjoy the next chapter!

Here's a sneak peek!


"The bosses ain't gonna like this," the particularly pathetic Klatoonian grumbled as Maul stared down at him.

"Call. Them."

Behind him, Zaiya leaned casually against a wall. Feral was perched, wearing his newly acquired half mask, on a railing on the upper level of the cargo hold. Savage paced slowly up on the walkway. The group of pirates were cornered... what was left of them anyway.

Maul held his lightsaber ready, he was running out of patience, though he would rather not have to fight his way through the entire ship. It would be far too time-consuming and inefficient.

They'd located the Spice runners and managed to stow away on the ship. A freighter-class of Corellian make, named Daiyu Blue. Meanwhile, the droid kept the Nameless just out of range. The group had turned out to be a band of pirates but their cargo was infinitely worth the effort.

A decent shipment of credits, certainly. But what drew Maul was the presence of the Dark Side.

The nervous Klatoonian raised his hands, palms out in a placating gesture, he pressed the button on the comlink attached to his wrist and spoke into it.

"Yeah boss, we have a bit of a situation down here, I need you to come have a look," he said, eyeing Maul cautiously. Smart enough not to try and warn his superior about the Dathomirians' presence.

With a nod, the other three melted into the shadows as they awaited the arrival of whoever was in charge of this vessel. Sure enough, after a few minutes, the doors slid open and an Ithorian swaggered into the room.

[What is this, Ish?] the 'boss' said, speaking through the translator secured around his swollen neck. He was followed by a young human male dressed in plain garb next to the luxuriously clad alien. The two bulbous eyes of the Ithorian landed on Maul. [You don't belong here.]

"You are travelling with more than just spice here," he said bluntly. "What is in the other crates?" The human shifted uncomfortably and looked to his boss.

[Get off my ship! You don't--] the Ithorian was cut off by Feral's curved vibroblade suddenly held barely an inch from his throat.

"I wouldn't be so inhospitable, if I were you," he snarled. The human reached for his blaster, but Savage was too quick, and his lightsaber blade stopped him in his tracks.

[Who are you?] the Ithorian demanded.

"We are Crimson Dawn," Maul replied confidently. "And you will answer the question."

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