Interference - Part 1

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"The bosses ain't gonna like this," the particularly pathetic Klatoonian grumbled as Maul stared down at him.

"Call. Them."

Behind him, Zaiya leaned casually against a wall. Feral was perched, wearing his newly acquired half mask, on a railing on the upper level of the cargo hold. Savage paced slowly up on the walkway. The group of pirates were cornered... what was left of them anyway.

Maul held his lightsaber ready, he was running out of patience, though he would rather not have to fight his way through the entire ship. It would be far too time-consuming and inefficient.

They'd located the Spice runners and managed to stow away on the ship. A freighter-class of Corellian make, named Daiyu Blue. Meanwhile, the droid kept the Nameless just out of range. The group had turned out to be a band of pirates but their cargo was worth the effort.

A decent shipment of credits, certainly. But what drew Maul was the presence of the Dark Side.

The nervous Klatoonian raised his hands, palms out in a placating gesture, he pressed the button on the comlink attached to his wrist and spoke into it.

"Yeah boss, we have a bit of a situation down here, I need you to come have a look," he said, eyeing Maul cautiously. Smart enough not to try and warn his superior about the Dathomirians' presence.

With a nod, the other three melted into the shadows as they awaited the arrival of whoever was in charge of this vessel. Sure enough, after a few minutes, the doors slid open and an Ithorian swaggered into the room.

[What is this, Ish?] the 'boss' said, speaking through the translator secured around his swollen neck. He was followed by a young human male dressed in plain garb next to the luxuriously clad alien. The two bulbous eyes of the Ithorian landed on Maul. [You don't belong here.]

"You are travelling with more than just spice here," he said bluntly. "What is in the other crates?" Maul already knew, but he wanted to see if they understood it. The human shifted uncomfortably and looked to his boss. Interesting.

[Get off my ship! You don't--] the Ithorian was cut off by Feral's curved vibroblade suddenly held barely an inch from his throat.

"I wouldn't be so inhospitable, if I were you," he snarled. The human reached for his blaster, but Savage was too quick, and his lightsaber blade stopped him in his tracks.

[Who are you?] the Ithorian demanded.

"We are Crimson Dawn," Maul replied confidently. "And you will answer the question."

"They're artefacts," the human said quickly, holding up his hands in a placating gesture. Maul looked at him expectantly. "They're--"

"The boy is a fool." The Ithorian interrupted, "he seems to think they have a connection to some sort of ancient order of Jedi."

"Sith, not Jedi," the human corrected. The tension in the room increased.

"What are your names?" Maul asked after a pause and careful assessment of the smugglers.

[I am Vlakim Dossic,] the Ithorian said, as though that meant anything. [This is my second, Dryden Vos.] Maul had to wonder how much Vos knew of the Sith. Likely not much, considering the secretive nature of the order, but it was worth paying attention to. What artefacts did they have?

When Maul was younger, he had desired to seek out such artefacts. He had dreamed of his name joining those of the Sith that had risen into legend. That he would become so accomplished among the Sith ranks that he would be revered by the Apprentices that he would one day take.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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