Chapter 2

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"Master," Anakin determinedly called out to Obi-Wan Kenobi, his former Jedi master, brushing past the other masters through one of the Jedi Temple's florid hallways.
"Anakin, I have no time for this kind of insolence," Obi-Wan replied, walking towards an outside landing platform. "You've told me about this before, many times. I understand your pain, but-" Kenobi softly gazed into Anakin's warm eyes, "You have to let her go."
"But master, she's out there, alone! She might need our help, my help, with something." Anakin sorrowfully replied.
Kenobi, with an aggravated and sudden halt, arms crossed and head shot to his side, now sternly fixating his eyes on Anakin, said, "If Ahsoka needed our help, your's or mine, or anyone's, she would contact us! You can't allow your mind to drift off as she has from us. Remember what we as Jedi cannot allow."
"I know." Anakin muttered with a sigh.
"Yes, Anakin, attachments."
Anakin quickly spurned Obi-Wan scrupulous guidance, "But this isn't an attachment, it's more, in a more professional way. Ahsoka meant everything to me, and you know that."
"Yes, Anakin, I know. But you can't let your past haunt your future."
"Master?" Anakin questioned with a rather puzzled figure.
Kenobi now tightened his arms, legs, and will, and said, "Ahsoka was a lesson learned for you; she is no longer here, and no longer serves a purpose in your life, rather than being a lesson. If you allow your mind to feed off those memories, and place them into the now, they will consume you, and destroy any fond memories you ever had of her. I'm trying to protect you from that; I'm not trying to make you forget her. When my master died, I wanted him alive, to wake up from his horrid sleep, more than anything. I meditated on my memories, but I didn't live in them." With an exaggerated exhale of air, lowering his guard, Kenobi said, " listen to me clearly; if you want Ahsoka to ever come back, you have to let her go. It is by the will of the force that she will or will not return to us. Meditate on your emotions, feelings, and memories. You cannot change the inevitable, so don't try it."
As Kenobi had completed his counsel of Skywalker, fixated his eyes on the continuing hallway, and remembered what again he was doing, he directed his mind back to his own predicament.

Footsteps pranced quietly, strolling about the dark Corusaunt slums, infested with scum and villainy. Both Aurra and Tammy were covered with soft, dark-brown cloaks, concealing their identities. Although they were surrounded by millions of other criminals, the two were a famous few, and thus needed some sort of protection against authorities. They strode past many bright, beaten-down establishments: The Spider Arms Hostel, a filthy, contaminated motel, Dex's Diner, a mediocre, oleaginous restaurant, and Ziro the Hutt's Corusaunt Club, now a vacant room, silently housing to vermin, rodents, and other disgusting insects. Aurra's consistent stepping motion paused, then regained its motion in an uneven manner; the two were approaching an Underworld Police officer.
"Don't worry." Tammy whispered, calming Aurra, reading the overwhelming amount of stress within her mind. Tammy quickly read the officers mind frame, realizing that he had other business to attend to, thus he hadn't even noticed the two murders approaching his left side. It was Tammy's instinct to tap into the minds of any suspicious character, whether it be a police officer, or another bounty hunter; it's how she came to know Aurra.
The two continued their path, though only one knew where they were going.
"You never told me how you have access to Jedi data files." Aurra said, quietly.
Tammy replied, with a soft smirk, "Well, there's an old friend of mine, a Jedi knight, named Can Entell, who works closely within the holocron vaults, meaning he has access to any and all data files he can get his slimy, Ithorian hands on. Since he works with the Jedi Archives, he always comes down to a local bar, where he records Republic citizens' activities." Tammy grinned, "And, thanks to my unique abilities, I'm able to read all the good stuff, that precious data he's stored in his mind, within seconds."
"I see." Aurra said, concealing her mild fascination.
"Here we are." Said Tammy, as the two quietly entered a low-class, downtrodden pub, Nac's Spaceport Cantina.
Sikar directed Sing to the bar's front booth, which gave herself a clear view of the Jedi journalist. She had familiarized herself watching Entell scrutinize many of the drunkards and sexually aroused scumbags lingering around the cantina. He would keep his focus on a peculiar person, and study them for a straight twenty minutes. When returning to the Jedi temple, he would tell small anecdotes to his close Jedi acquaintances, describing all the amusing, bizarre characters he had studied that day. However, what he was about to experience would become a testimony, rather than an anecdote.

Tammy mumbled, pointing at a certain customer's drink, I'll have that, to the waiter. He slid her a shot, in a nonchalant manner, and she took it as the same. Sikar twirled her soft finger around and around her cool refreshment, waiting; she was waiting for the Jedi to do something, to investigate someone, but he didn't. Entell sat in his usual, cold, silver chair, with a data pad in his left hand, and fives fingers, anxious to conjure up a juicy story, on his right. However, he was simply siting there, stoically, as he had appeared to be. But he wasn't doing nothing; he knew. With one sip of her shot, Tammy shoved her glass onto the steel table, wiping her bright, red lips, slightly cornering hers eyes towards the Jedi. Entell had managed a few glimpses of Sikar, within short millisecond time slots, though he still hadn't gotten a clear view of today's interesting character, as he pictured her, unknowing of her intentions. He attempted to sneak another, but-- She did too.

They were full fledged staring through one another's eyes, bodies stiff, anxious and aggravated. Then, with a wisp and a crack, a hot, blue-glazed blade sprung from the Jedi's hands. Aurra swung her left arm, saving her right for her blaster, and tightly clenched the midair. Although it hadn't made much sense for the moment, the Jedi's hands sprung open, releasing the lightsaber, and directed themselves towards Entell's throat. He was severely choking, unexplainably, for there was no hand grasping his neck. It was Aurra; it was the force.
"Tell us what we want, now!" Aurra screamed, as Tammy pressed her hands tight against her forehead, eyes closed, trying to read the Jedi's mind. Can knew what they wanted, what they were searching for, and he had it all stored in his head. However, the will of the force, when properly used, can become just as powerful as a Lightsaber, and it was.
"Tammy!" Aurra shot her head back, expecting at least anything from her accomplice.
"His will is too strong! I-- Im not sure I can break it!" Tammy replied, now squeezing her skull as tight as she could, hoping to acquire something from Entell.
Aurra grew furious, tightening her grip every second the Jedi used to tighten his will. She grinned, maliciously, although she was scared; Aurra knew what this Jedi could do for her, how close he could bring her to Ahsoka, and there wasn't a second she hasn't stopped thinking about that.

A siren cried out. Another, and another. Someone had contacted the authorities, and getting detained was not something Aurra had time for. She was puzzled, blind to her choices; Aurra needed what the Jedi could offer, yet also needed to flee, soon. Frantically, Aurra repeated those words in her mind again and again, struggling to grasp the more concrete. She couldn't. With the release of a lock, and a flap of a belt, Aurra's pistol spun frantically across and through her fingers, then suddenly haulted, as it lay still in her right hand. It shook relentlessly, as did the assassin holding it. Those options thinned, being as abused as they were, until they began to fade away. Suddenly, there was nothing. Aurra's body shocked, and her finger hooked the trigger, hard.


Entell lay broken on the floor, arms twisted, neck snapped, with a substantial outflow of a most pitiful, dark red liquid: blood. He was covered in it, bathed in it; the leakage began from his forehead, where Aurra sadistically shot him, and it continued down to his very toes. Aurra and Tammy fled the bar, ran towards the nearest hideout, and didn't look back, having no time to consider their situation. They left the Jedi there, humiliatingly, unable to tell this new story of his harrowing death, to his forever-awaiting friends.

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