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Star Wars is a universe, not an enclosed system of predetermined events. It's open to you and me. Although characters pass on and others live, their stories are still unwritten. We have the opportunity to expand this beautiful universe that Star Wars continues to develop. The beauty of us, the fans, the viewers, the listeners and readers, is that we were born with a gift that can only be untaught: creativity. So use it, in whatever way you can. Although The Clone Wars, as a television show, has devastatingly ended, the hundreds of stories, yet to be told, still linger within the darkness, waiting to soon be discovered through us. As Dave Filoni said, "My intention here is to encourage you all to dream, to imagine, not just what these stories might have been, but what the possibilities are for other new stories which have never been told before. And maybe the person who tells those stories will be you" we must remember those words, to envision anything and everything that we can.

Tell these stories, because if you do, the Clone Wars will live on.

Cad bane holds a special place in my mind. Most notably, his character, his charisma, his attitude, his style, and of course, his big hat is what shapes Bane as not only the Galaxy's, but my favorite bounty hunter, as well . I never sat well with his fate undetermined, so through this novel and my wild imagination, I decided to create it, myself.

I hold a great respect for the bounty hunter, and the fact that I get to write about him, his legacy, and his reputation. As I do with the bounty hunter, Aurra Sing. Her bloodthirsty motivation captivated me when she appeared in the episode, "Lethal Trackdown" and I've always wanted to know more about her ever since. It's an upmost joy and blessing that through this opportunity, and God's gift of creativity, I may write these characters' stories not only for myself, but for all who read along, as well.

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