Chapter 10

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Each clone trooper raised and cocked their weapons, and stood intimidatingly, without choice. Anakin had killed a significant figure within the republic. No one must know. Hazard drew his twin pistols, assuring himself of his mission. Everything was worth its risk, even the death of innocents. Anakin backed away, shivering in shock of his hatred. He stumbled to move backwards, ruggedly shoving his boots hither, staring at the frigid corpse of Tan Divo.

The clones awaited an order as they tightly gripped their blasters. The rest of the police division stood bumblingly, horrified at the clones insane betrayal for an oblique reason. They were deathly still, void of any escape.

Captain Hazard shouted, "Fire!"  
Gunfire spurted and blasted everywhere, ringing at every corner, and spinning across every wall.  The noises spun and shot in every direction, attracting the attention of others around. Police protocols detected the banging sounds, and immediately speeded towards the action. The officers were fighting back, gripping T-class rifles, while the clones pressed on. While some where hunting the rest of the police, others were scouring the warehouse, rummaging through its remains for the Lightsaber. Anakin followed closely near Captain Hazard, force-swirling broken doors and force-throwing sheds out of their way, hoping to find the Lightsaber.

Within the deepest caverns of the broken building, two strangers heard the commotion from above and outside. Aurra Sing and Tammy Sikar immersed themselves within the warehouse's pit; a pit encompassed with crates upon crates of pernicious nano droids. Within the center was a forgotten artifact, as Aurra Sing had found it. Another Lightsaber to add to her collection, perhaps. Or, perhaps it was something much more than another Lightsaber. Its blade was green, and its hilt a glossy, beautiful silver. This was Ahsoka Tano's Lightsaber, lost at the hand of Tano's friend, Barris Offee. Aurra, frightened of the war above her, tugged the hilt closer to her chest, and impatiently ignited it.

Aurra Sing was frightened at the notion of her mission being halted. She knew she was closer to Ahsoka, and any diversion would only kindle her anger.

"Aurra, don't do this. Please" Tammy reached and pulled on Aurra's arm, begging her to listen.

"Why should I listen to you?" Aurra screamed, "You're no better than me, bounty hunter! What do you know?"

Tammy let go of Aurra's arm, Aurra's reluctant shrugging assisting her. Tammy Sikar knew what Aurra meant, that she truly was no better than her, as a murderer herself. She would have no place to judge Aurra's actions if she too were a mercenary.

"Aurra" she sighed, "I'm not a bounty hunter. I'm afraid. We live in a tough world, a world where death surrounds and binds us, and we are left to somehow survive. I know it's wrong, but this hunt is my survival; it's my income and my assurance of life."

She took in a breath. Hearing her own words haunted her. "I am afraid of death. Aren't you? My family was so afraid of me, they tried to kill me. I was constantly hunted, left with no one to run to. Without the sacrifice of others, I would be dead by now. I was nearly killed for the power I have. And, you are nearly killing yourself for the hatred you have. I didn't want to kill anyone, but I am terrified at the notion of my own death; just as much as I am yours. This mission will kill you, Aurra."

She paused again. "I quit." She said, "I don't want to kill anyone, anymore. I've taken too many lives, and I don't want to loose any more. I no longer want to be a bounty hunter. This power I have" she whispered, not allowing Aurra to hear. "has brought you to me. I won't let it go in vain." A soft, gentle tear fell down her cheek, as Tammy realized her power was a beautiful gift rather than the curse she once believed it to be. 

Sing scoured throughout the rummage of the warehouse, looking to find a faster way out than the way she came in, holding the beaming Lightsaber in front as a guide. As she lifted her left foot to step on top of a crate, it broke and cracked, and suddenly a red light began to slowly beam within. Aurra Sing struggled to removed her leg, tearing open the broken pieces, to glance inside.

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