Chapter 3

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"Tammy" Sing shouted, running towards a left alleyway, "This way!"
Tammy halted, skidding her feet, and made a sharp left, following close behind Aurra. Nothing quite ran through Aurra's mind, other than to evade any possible chance of capture, and exact revenge on her long-anticipated adversary. Tammy, on the other hand, was abundantly overflowing with thoughts, emotions, questions: We shouldn't have done that. Where are we going? This isn't right. But, Sikar wasn't about to bail out from under Aurra's command, although she wouldn't have been the first. Aurra Sing, to some, can become quite overbearing when she wants something; her ex husband, Hondo Ohnaka, a Weequay pirate captain, is proof of that. During their time of marriage, Aurra, enraged with Hondo's compliance, or rather resistance, to her grim tactics in the two's history of spice runs, smuggles, and, as Hondo disagreed with, murders, became more of a slaver, than a wife to Ohnaka. Hondo left her, deserving so, And in Aurra's case, she had never found herself to learn from her mistakes, but rather live in them, repeat them, and despise them.         

A tiny drop of water flew from the sky, pranced about the concrete floor, and sank into oblivion. Another danced with a companion, sparking through the glistening air, living its best moment, and shattered apart from its other. Then, an entire army of rain flew from the murky skies, the somber clouds, and both bounty hunters, Tammy Sikar and Aurra Sing, found themselves drenched in a crossfire of fear and desperation; fearing what's to come, and desperate to find shelter from the lovely, yet icy, water showers. Tammy found another corner, unlit with the bright, purple, pink, yellow, blue, red bursting billboards and advertisement sings stationed around Corusaunt, displaying what it's always been revered for. The lights now, with the rain's reflection, transformed the dirty, beaten-down slums into a reflective wonderland, beautifully displaying the billions of stars, and every other color of light throughout every creak and corner of every street, every sidewalk, and rooftop painted with water. Yet, it also exposed every villain, every criminal, and two of them, both right side up, and upside down.

Once the two slid across the slippery pavement to the unseen corner, they were able to finally catch a breath. Tammy, soaked in her own discomfort and rain, let her hands fall to her knees, grab hold, and propped her head up, facing Aurra and a small bit of rain.
"You know, this is an awful lot put into this enemy of yours. When was it, the last time you met?"
"Two years" Aurra replied, exhausted.
"And you still hold a grudge?" Tammy rhetorically asked, hoping to help Aurra realize how long it's been since Sing even saw Ahsoka. "Since those data files didn't work out, what do you suppose we do now?"
"We hunt her down ourselves, wherever she may be. I know she's still here, and I'll find her." Said Aurra, pausing her voice every second she had, to breath.
Tammy grew annoyed of Aurra persistence, and began to intertwine her beautifully curved eyebrows downward, scrunching her red, glossy lips tightly.
"I can't fathom why you won't let it go. She's--"

Bam. Zip. Blast.

Before Tammy could finish, shots of blaster fire rang across the corner; the police had caught up, and we're closing in. The bounty hunters' feet sprang into action, as they took off again. Tammy knew, soon they would be captured, without a stationary place they could hide in for the night. What she didn't know, or hear, was the ticking, beaming sound of a thermal detonator Aurra had left for the kind policemen, inches away from their approaching, wet, leather boots. The chief officer, with a gloved finger pointed at Aurra and Tammy, rushed towards them, unknowing of what else he was nearing. Then, as his boot stomped atop the bomb, a new color found home to the water's luminous reflection; a bright red, yellowish color flashed through the sky and ground; it was fire, most horrific and sadistic. As Tammy suddenly stopped herself to discover what catastrophe had occurred behind and beneath her, a small, spherical shape began to prance towards her feet. With each splash of water that accompanied it, it was difficult for Tammy to picture what exactly was rolling towards her. Then, as it began to slow its pace, and finally cease its movement, Tammy knew exactly what the object was. She gasped, hand grasping her mouth, with widened eyes. It was a head, once belonging to a chief officer, now to official investigators, soon to arrive. Although one would suspect Sikar to be used to such things, she wasn't. Sikar was a bounty hunter, but never took thrill in seeing innocents pulled into such affairs.

Tammy began to trod backwards, splashing her boots hither, creating a difficulty for her to keep looking back, as she was. Her arms swung her back, facing the opposite direction, towards Sing, and Tammy continued her course. She ran slowly, partly from the small river beneath her boots, but also from the melancholy that had accompanied what she saw. The officer had gotten in between Aurra's episode with Ahsoka, and that hadn't sat well with Sikar. As she slowly scampered, another precious drop of water fell atop Sikar's soft cheek, except this one didn't come from the clouds. It ran down her chin, and disappeared along the rest of the water below, draining any evidence that Sikar was crying. The only thing left, that could confess Sikar's emotion, was her own words; but, she wasn't close to doing anything so foolish; not now.

As Tammy caught up to Aurra, finally, she asked,
"Where are we going?"
"We're going to my place. There, we'll spend the night, and catch up on our search." Sing replied, coldly and wet.

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