🍫∂яεαм cσмε тяυε🍫

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My eyes welled with many years worth of tears that were always meant to be reserved for that special moment. The one I had dreamt about since I could honestly remember. And that? Was seeing my dad once more. I had little memories here and there of him, flashes of watching him cook breakfast, walking me to and from school, coming home from work and throwing me up in the air with my giggles to accompany it. But, my mom did the unthinkable. She took me far away where he never could find me, leaving me at a friend of hers. Scrubitt's. The horrible woman who unfortunately raised me the rest of the way in utter agony.

"You mean...... you found him? My dad....?" I could barely utter the words from how emotional I truly was, seeing the soft smile on Willy's face. What I hadn't known, was Willy, Noodle, Abacus, Lottie, Larry, and Piper had been working endlessly to find my dad in secret, not wanting to tell me in fear of them getting nowhere, only hurting me further. But, they managed it.

"We did. I even called the number Lottie managed to get ahold of at the operator station. He's more than excited to see you, (Y/N). He's missed you." And in that moment, all I could do was hug Willy with all my might.

"You have no idea just what this means to me." I said through the tears trickling down my cheeks from the over abundance of emotion coursing throughout me. I never thought this could ever happen to me. For years, I mourned what I used to have, the family I once loved and cherished so much. I cried and cried for my dad for so long. And now? I could finally have him back.

"I'll take you to his house." To my amazement, my dad had spent so long looking for me as well. And what was even crazier? Was the fact that he was closer than I ever realized.

"He bought a house here a mere two years ago because he'd been dreaming the same dream you had. He just got this feeling that you were closer and closer to him." That's when the moment came. A moment I'd only thought was mere wishful thinking on my part. A moment so far from my reach for so long, until now. And I had my best friend by my side. But to be honest, I felt more for him than that.

"Dad.....?" All the talking between Willy and I had lead us so quickly to his house, my eyes welling once more with pure emotion. The happy kind.

"Sweet pea..... look how much you've grown!" I practically ran into my dads arms the minute I heard the name he used to always call me leave his lips, a name I'd remembered for years because of the necklace I'd always worn around my neck.

"I've missed you so much dad......" I could barely say through my falling tears. But then it hit me. Willy..... He lost his mother when he was a boy. The pain he must be feeling.....

"Dad, this is Willy Wonka. A very dear friend of mine. He helped me find you, along with my other friends. But Willy? He's been like my guardian angel since he showed up in the Galerie. He's absolutely amazing." Willy's surprised look and slightly red tinted cheeks, brought a grin to my face. They shook hands with my dad even hugging him to his own surprise.

"I was certain he was your boyfriend or something, just watching you two together. Thank you Willy, for bringing my little girl back to me." From that day forward, I had my true life back. I had my dad. I had my friends. I had my best friend. Willy. But not only was he my best friend. He had quickly become my world. And showed me that dreams are never ridiculous. Mine came true after all.

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