°○Chapter 03○°

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Here the third chapter guys!
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I was already late due to some work yesterday so I didn't get to question all the Ahuja ladies but today that won't be happening.

And as if I wasn't already stressed enough Mr. Grumpyass had to add more work.

I already had five cups of coffee since morning which isn't good. Why do I get such a workaholic boss or more precisely why did I apply here knowing all the rumors about him being married to his work.

Even being warned by my brother wasn't enough for me, so I just jumped in the sinking sand to test the theory. I had to prove to everyone I was worth more than my family name.

I reached home by 8:30 when everyone was chatting in the living room. Oh, surprise surprise they are looking at some weird guy's photo on TV through a screen view.

I narrowed my eyes on TV, they don't know how to do that. Who is stupid enough to teach them this? Oh find him, Ansh Ahuja you are so dead. He was laughing at something and I'm happy to remove that smile off his face.

He stood and made his way towards the kitchen, I followed him and saw him drinking water there.

"How have you been, Ansh. I heard you will be starting to go to the office with papa and chachu to learn family business." I said.

"Ye...yeah, why?" He muttered.

"You know I found out one more thing about you that there's a girl you really like...and I'm hoping you don't want our family members to find out about it, do you?" I asked him with a small smile.

"You won't dare." He hissed.

"If you don't want your life miserable like Rehaan bhai after the engagement you won't help dadi and everyone with this type of thing, right?" I suggested, with a calm expressed on my face.

"God, you are so scary sometimes. Fine, I won't help them and you won't tell them about this thing." He extended his hand as if making a deal with me, I shook his hand.

Good, younger siblings should know their place sometimes.

I made my way towards the living room, when my eyes fell on papa who was laughing at something mumma said and his eyes softened making me smile at their interaction.

When Rehaan bhai and I were kids, papa used to tell us about how he fell in love at first sight with mumma. He saw her at a wedding where their eyes met and he fell for her deep forest green eyes. Rehaan bhai and I inherited those eyes from her and he never failed to tell us that he always wanted his children to have their mother's eyes.

Before their marriage papa was set to get engaged with Abhimanyu's buaa but they both didn't want that as they both had someone they deeply love in their life.

Mumma never told us what she loved about papa at that time, she said it's their little secret. I always wanted to fall in love with someone like my parents love one another but I lost my expectations.

Shaking my head I made my way towards everyone and stood in front of the TV narrowing my eyes on them, I glared at papa and he started coughing while standing up and slowly running out of the living room.

"Dadi, why did you do that? I already told you I don't want to marry or get engaged with anyone and you...why did you add me to that stupid whatsapp group and upload my photos and details as well. You know, weird aunties and guys are texting me weird stuff." I stated, glaring at her and she returned the favor.

"So now I can't even think about my grandchildren's future. If not now, when will I see my little babies get married, after I'm dead? I'm already old, God knows when..." she started fake crying.

Sighing, I sat beside her and hugged her. She sure knows how to blackmail someone after all she's been a chairwoman for the past 20 years.

"Dadi, it's just I don't want to get into an arranged marriage. I need some time to prepare myself first, okay, give me some time." I requested her.

After college I begged my dadi and papa to let me work in another company so I can experience everything without any family privileges and they only gave me three years to work for someone else, well that sounds weird sometimes but that's how things work in my family.

But after so much hard work to achieve everything I have there's always something that's missing.

After watching my parents I realize what it is but after what happened five years ago is stopping me from having what my parents have.

Anyways, I can say that I learned a lot of things working under Abhimanyu and he is the best candidate for the CEO position.

I hope everything goes as planned.

After convincing dadi, mummy and chachi I made my way to my room to freshen up after such a long day.

After dinner, I started packing for my three month long business trip. It took me almost three hours to pack all the things I needed and still feel as if something is missing.

Maybe I'll check in the morning. I hope everything goes well on Bangalore, just thinking about that place gives me anxiety and brings back memories I don't want to remember.

But not just that meeting with new people makes me nervous as well. I have only talked with them through phone calls for any details regarding the project by meeting with them is different.

I lay on the bed thinking about things and didn't realize when I fell asleep.


°Chapter Aesthetics○°


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