°○Chapter 04○°

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It's already been a week since I talked dadi into giving me some time. And I'm already on my way to Bangalore, the city I thought held my dream six years ago.

I was so tired after waking up early. Only getting three hours of sleep and packing till 2 am didn't help my case either.

Our flight was early in the morning at 7 am and my boss, being punctual, came to pick me up at 5 o'clock. I didn't even realize I fell asleep the moment our flight took off.

I felt my hand hugging something warm, soft and hard at the same time, it had a very strong woodsy and spicy smell to it. I nuzzled my nose more into it, inhaling and memorizing the smell in my brain.

Feeling a strong weight against my head, it felt so comfortable and warm. I stayed that way for twenty minutes more. When suddenly I realize.

Wait. Wait.

What am I hugging? And what is against my head?

When suddenly my eyes popped open and I came face to face with the most beautiful view. Abhimanyu's face only a few inches away from me, permanent frown in his brows visible this close from him.

How can someone frown while sleeping but still look so beautiful? It wasn't a hidden thing that he was really handsome, I just never acknowledged that part of him.

I looked at his features closely, his eyes closed with his long lashes, girls would die for, resting against his cheekbones. His long nose and full lips occupied my view.

He has smooth skin with a small scar near his left eyebrow. His thick silky jet black hair brushing against his forehead touched my forehead which made me shudder.

I never closely looked at his features but looking at them now I realize how beautiful his features are.

I was so lost in studying his full lips and strong jawline, when suddenly my gaze fell on his eyes. My breath hitched, he stared at my forest green eyes while I stared at his dark amber ones.

Sound around us fainted and I could only look at his deep, mesmerizing dark orbs, my mouth drying with intimacy.

He leaned closer or maybe it was me but we didn't break our eye contact. Our breaths mingled with each other, our nose almost touching. My heart would jump out of my chest any moment. Few more inches and his lips would be on mine, his eyes fell on my lips when suddenly a voice startled us and we broke apart, looking at the direction of the voice.

An air hostess staring down at us, with a drink tray in her hand. She asked for our drinks preferences, Abhimanyu declined while I asked for water and almost emptied it within seconds as if my life depended on it. I took deep breaths to calm my heart.

"You can leave my hands now but I won't mind either way." He whispered in my ear, in his husky voice teasing, catching me off guard. I looked at him with a dazed expression, he tapped at my nose twice for me to take in his amused look.

I didn't notice I was still almost hugging his arms. I quickly freed his arms from my grasp, settling in my seat taking a sip from my glass. He cleared his throat.

"So...how did your past four dates go?" I asked, knowing damn well the answer but I had to do something to distract myself from this awkwardness.

He gave me a look saying 'you know how it would go'. Yeah I know.

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