°○Chapter 05○°

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It's been a week since we had that conversation but neither of us talked about it again as we both were busy with work.

 And me being an introvert, I was really nervous about my first day in a new work environment with new people. I always feel nervous when talking to new people, the only thing keeping me relaxed is that Abhimanyu is my boss and is here. He is the only familiar face here and the only person I can trust in this city.

New places and new people always gives me anxiety. I thought that maybe Abhimanyu would briefly introduce me to everyone, so I can get comfortable with them. But this asshole doesn't even care all he cares about is his work. The moment he entered the office he started ordering everyone to get all the things ready for meeting in the next two hours.

I can't help but give an awkward smile to everyone. I think they need time to prepare themselves before they speak with the devil. 

But once I got comfortable with everyone I started working hard on our new project for which we are here. I thought many times about bringing up the fake relationship topic in front of him but talked myself against it. We are here for work and he is very serious about this project as this project can bring him closer to the CEO position.

But maybe I should plan ahead for a backup plan if he refuses to go with my plan. Maybe I should go out on a date or something, it has been five years since I have dated someone and maybe now is the time. I can not be a coward my whole life, just because of one incident I can't back out from this whole dating thing.

I hope things workout. I can't really explain to my family the reason I'm backing out. Maybe I need to assure myself that I can do it.

But, I can see why Abhimanyu is being harsh with everyone, he wants to achieve his goals like everyone, but this is too much. 

I feel like I have completed a whole month's worth of work in just one week and I'm so grateful that it's the weekend tomorrow which means I can relax as much as I want. 

I was checking the files when I got a call from Anvi. 

“Hey bitch! I was waiting for your call, where have you been? And why didn't you tell me that you are here in Bangalore. Is this how you treat your best friend? I get it that I was away for a few months but that doesn't mean you will behave like that.” she snapped. And here she goes now she wouldn't let me speak. 

“Hello to you to bitch! No hello or how are you? And before you say anything again I was really busy so I couldn't call you but I did text you, it's you who didn't reply to my messages.” I said. 

“You texted me?” she muttered, I couldn't hear her clearly.

“Yes I did. And why are you in such a sour mood? Did something happen between you and Anshumaan again? I will really kill that bastard.” I hissed and she just signed. 

“I will tell you everything later. But first we have to party.” She said, and when I asked her why she just said that because I'm here. And she wants to party.

Anvi and party in one sentence means either fun or trouble. And I've lost count of how many times we get in trouble because of her.

We agreed to go clubbing tomorrow evening. When I was talking to her, Ayush and Divya came to my desk. These two were the ones I clicked instantly with, maybe because they were the same age as me. 

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