Mannat's empty plate

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"Jo cheena tune mere sapne, wo cheen loongi main teri saanson ko, Tere dard ko zindagi bhar barbaad kar doongi main isi dard se."

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As Daksh and Maya sift through the encrypted files on the flash drive, they come across a folder labeled "Surveillance Footage." With bated breath, they open the folder, revealing a series of video files dated back several years.

The first video shows Maya exiting a building late at night, glancing nervously over her shoulder as she hurries down a dimly lit alley. Another clip depicts Maya engaged in a heated conversation with a shadowy figure in a secluded park, her gestures animated and her expression tense.

Daksh's heart clenches with unease as he watches Maya's past unfold before his eyes. Who are these people she's meeting? What secrets is she keeping from him?

Then, they stumble upon a video dated just a few weeks before Maya fell ill. In it, Maya is seen walking alone down a deserted street, her surroundings eerily quiet. Suddenly, a car pulls up beside her, and a masked figures emerge, dragging Maya into the vehicle before speeding off into the night.

Daksh's stomach churns with dread as he realizes the gravity of what he's witnessing. Maya was kidnapped, and someone went to great lengths to make sure he never found out.

Maya: (voice trembling) "Daksh, I... I don't know what to say. This is..."

Her voice trails off, unable to find the words to explain the haunting truth of her past.

Daksh's expression hardens, his eyes narrowing with suspicion as he looks at Maya.

Daksh: (coldly) "You knew about this, Maya. You've been lying to me."

Maya's gaze drops to the floor, unable to meet Daksh's accusatory stare.

Maya: (defensively) "I... I was scared, Daksh. I didn't want to drag you into this."

As Daksh watches the footage, his brow furrows in confusion and concern. Turning to Maya, he asks in a cold, probing tone:

Daksh: "Maya, what were you doing out there in the dark? You've never mentioned any of this to me."

Maya shifts uncomfortably under Daksh's gaze, her eyes darting away as she struggles to come up with an explanation.

Maya: (hesitantly) "I... I needed some time alone. I went out to clear my head, to find solace away from the chaos at home."

Daksh's expression remains stoic, his disbelief evident in his icy demeanor.

Daksh: (skeptically) "Solace? In the dead of night, meeting with shadowy figures? Don't insult my intelligence, Maya. I deserve the truth."

Maya's voice wavers as she attempts to maintain her composure under Daksh's scrutiny.

Maya: (defensively) "I'm telling you the truth, Daksh. I didn't mean to deceive you. I just... I was so done with your affairs with Mannat.."

Daksh's jaw tightens, his frustration simmering beneath the surface as he struggles to reconcile Maya's actions with the woman he thought he knew.

Daksh: (coldly) "Well, congratulations, Maya. You've succeeded in keeping me in the dark. But now, we're going to uncover the truth together, whether you like it or not."

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