miscarriage - The8

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T/w - mention of self-harm
Y/n's pov

Everything felt so surreal, sudden and empty. It's still hard to believe what happened. Our angel was just with me a few days ago but now she became a star. Everything happened so suddenly it's really really hard to digest. I felt like shit. As a mother I couldn't even save my own child. My eyes dried up from crying for 2 days. One top of that Minghao is not talking or even coming near me. Ik it's hard for him too. I bet he hates me now. Ik he's gonna leaves me. It hurts a lot when I remember his reaction to my pregnancy. He was so caring all through my pregnancy. He waited for our angel even more than me.

I started tearing up again thinking how the hospital handed me a small box with all her ultrasounds, heartbeat graphs etc and told me they couldn't save her. I was sitting in my room. I couldn't eat or sleep even a bit. It was like I was half dead already.

The8's pov

Our princess went away from us to become a star in the sky. It was really hard for me but I cannot imagine what y/n was going through . She has her in her womb . She was basically a part of her. For 2 days after coming from the hospital I didn't bother y/n as I thought she may need some. The sound of her sobs were tearing my heart apart. But I couldn't bulid up the courage to go and talk to her.


Minghao was walking through the corridor and stood infront of y/n's room . He decided to talk to her today. He slowly turned the knob and went inside. At first he thought she was sleeping peacefully. He went near her and sat beside her head. He slowly caressed her head

"Ik it's hard for you love"

He was also tearing up but controlled his tears

He kept his other hand on the bed to stand up but felt something wet. He looked at his hands and it was blood. He panicked and removed the duvet and saw many many cut on her wrist . He regretted leaving her alone . He tried to wake her up by shaking her but she didn't budge even an inch .

He called his family doctor and told him to hurry up. The doctor came and bandaged her hands. He told him that she just passed out from crying too hard and depression.
Minghao thanked him and the doctor left

He could see her love from the corner of his eyes. He started calling her and shook her . She slowly opened her eyes and looked at Minghao. She sat up and started tearing up once again.

"Ming I'm so sorry I couldn't protect our little angel. Ik u r angry at me and will leave me. It's ok because I don't deserve to even live after what happened to her —" she said couldn't say anymore because Minghao's lips was on her kissing her lovingly

Minghao pulled out
"Stop saying all these nonsense love. We would I leave you. I promised to stay in all your highs and lows. What happened was very sad but it wasn't ur fault love. Everything will be fine. Our angel is in a better place now."

He hugged her and she was sobbing. It hurts him seeing hr cry but he didn't stop her he let her cry in his shoulders and kept whispering sweet words

After 30 mins she pulled out and wiped her tears. Minghao looked at her and slowly gave her a peck .

"Also why did you self harm y/n" he was upset
"Ik it's not easy but self harming is not the solution. You could've talked to me or smtg. Do you think our angel would be proud that her mommy is suffering for her" Minghao said a little angry but softly

" I'm sorry Ming.... it's just that I thought you'll also leave me and if I don't have you then what's the purpose of my living " she was fidgeting her hands not daring to look into his eyes

" Don't think of me so low darling...I will never ever leave you "

They both hugged each other finding comfort in each other's embrace
Minghao kissed passionately on her lips and said 'ily' she smiled softly after what felt like eternity they buth cuddled to sleep.

Few days later

They went out on a walk in the evening. They were walking hands in hands near hsn river. Suddenly y/n stopped and took her phone out to click picture of the sky.

"Ming look our angel looks so preety today" she smiled softly

Minghao admired her then went behind her and backhugged her

"Yes love our angel looks very preety"

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