Chapter 1

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Branch's age: 5 years old, Poppy's age: 17  1/2  Trickee and Ablaze age: 17  Hype: 17  Boom: 17  1/2

Nobodys POV

Branch ran right out of the village, leaving everything behind. His grandma died, his brothers left him.

He was all alone... He ran and ran and ran.

He knew his brothers were in the village but maybe they left the village, maybe they left because of him.


"Ow.." Branch whimpered as his little body fell backwards. "Ugh, OMFG are you okay?!" A pink troll rushed to Branch.

She had her hair tied up as if it was a fountain, she looked to be 12 years old. "Where is your family, little guy?" She picked Branch up.. barely.

"Y-You're heavier than you look.!" She struggled to pick Branch up. Once she finally picked Branch up, Branch replied.

"My grandma died.. I watched that happen.. my brothers abandoned me.." Branch whimpered. "Aww poor thing.." The girl hold branch tight.

"POPPY! COME BACK!" A voice yelled from behind them. 

Soon, 4 more troll reached Poppy and Branch.

Branch whimpered, they reminded him of his brothers. "Hey Ablaze, Hype, Boom and Trickee" Poppy said with a nervous tone.

"What were you thinking? Running away from the village?" Ablaze panted. "I can't with them anymore! I'm running away" Poppy sighed.

"AWWW HE'S SO CUTE!" Boom cooed as he took Branch in his arms without struggle. "He's heavy for me!" Poppy smirked.

"I bumped into him, he is all alone" Poppy frowned. 

"Where is his family? Don't tell me you're kidnapping children again" Trickee chuckled.

"For #$%& sake, That was one time!" Poppy exclaimed.

"Well.. We can take care of him!" Hype gasped. "Yeah! I'm not really into Pop music, Let's go some place else!" Ablaze laughed.

"Really?" Branch's eyes lit up, his grey tone brightening. "I never notice you're grey" Poppy tilted her head.

"I'm half grey too, well not really grey but darker pink" Poppy smiled. It was true!
Poppy was slightly greyer or darker.

Branch tilted his head slightly, why was she grey?

"POPPY!" Another voice yelled. "POPPY WHERE ARE YOU!?" Another one too.

"Uh oh, it's Viva and John! Hide!" Poppy picked Branch up and ran. "Guys run!" Trickee yelled as they ran.

"Poppy Wait! Please!" Viva called as she chased Poppy. "Branch?! Buddy, come here!" John called out.

"LOOK OUT!" John and Viva yelled.

Just then, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Screams were heard...

Poppy, Branch and Kismet had ran right off a cliff..

"BRANCH! NOOOO!!" John cried out. Viva fell to her knees in front of the cliff..

Their Baby Siblings Are Gone... Or Are They?

Hope you liked this CLIFFhanger! see what I did there?

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