Chapter 4

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(Please note that the first movie never really happened because the Trolls lived in peace with the bergens)

Nobodys pov

John stared at Branch's grave, Branch's screams ran through his mind. "If only I-.. stayed.. None of this would have happened!" John looked away from the grave.

"John!" 2 voices called out! Spruce and Clay ran towards John. "Y-YOU'RE LYING RIGHT!?!" Clay screamed.

"YOU HAVE TO BE, BRANCH CAN'T BE DEAD-.. H-HE JUST CAN'T!" Bruce added. John looked at them, hid eyes well up with tears.

"I-I'm sorry..! I-I watched it happen.. h-he.." John's voice trailed off. "N-No.. Y-you.." Clay was barely audible.

"When I-I went to go check, he was dead.. I-I saw his blood on the rocks..!" John whimpered.

 "Did you see his body.. or Poppy's? Or Any of them?" Bruce asked. "No one did!" John exclaimed.

"Maybe, that means he is still alive..!" Clay's eyes widen. John opened his mouth to talk but no words came out.

He felt a lump in his throat, John tried to believe his little brother but it was hard to. "I-I..' John stuutered.

Luckily Floyd came over.

"Hey guys.." Floyd waved sadly. "Hey brother.." Bruce hugged Floyd. Floyd hugged back tightly.


Ablaze snapped his fingers, "I got it! What about.. The grey Trolls..!?" Everyone looked at Ablaze. "That.. actually is not bad!" Barb smiled.

"Yeah, sounds edgy yet cool" Poppy high fived Barb, not realizing she just high fived her crush. Barb noticed and blushed deeply and tried hiding it.

Poppy just looked at her clueless. "Oh..Oh. OH!" Poppy gasped, realization hit like bomb.

Trickee and Ablaze started laughing, "BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

 Branch just looked confused while Boom had a 'I'm sorry about those two' face and Hype just smirked.

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