Chapter 3

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Trickee's pronouns are they/them(Bisexual and Asexual) in the AU, poppy is lesbian(she/her). Hype is pansexual(he/him), Ablaze(he/them) is pansexual and Boom(he/him) is just gay.

Nobodys pov

Branch was being carried by Boom who was the least injured as they made their way to the unknown city.

"This place's huge!" Hype exclaimed. "No kidding, there is lava everywhere!" Ablaze pointed at the lava.

"WHO GOES THERE!?" A voice roared from behind the group of dull pop trolls. Branch flinched while the rest screamed.

"Oh, trolls! POP TROLLS!?" A rock troll exclaimed, he looked like he was in his forties. Behind him was a 13 to 14 year old troll.

Poppy felt herself blush internally, the girl troll was pretty hot. "W-We mean no harm..!!" Trickee put their hands up in defense.

"We just fell off a cliff and we're here..!!" Boom whimpered. Branch hid behind Boom, scared.

"Oh Dear, are you children alright? Where is your Tree?" The old troll asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

"We left our tree a long time ago due to the Bergens.. we moved to our village but we ran away.." Poppy sighed.

"We found this little guy after he was abandoned by his brothers.." Ablaze picked Branch up. Branch made a small waving motion.

"Poor thing" The little girl troll sighed. 

"We would adopt all of you but unfortunately Pop trolls are banned from being adopted in our city" The older troll petted Branch gently on the head.

"I would change the law as order of king but it is written in stone.. literally" The older troll was the king!

"My name is King Thrash, this is my daughter, Princess Barb" King Thrash showed Barb in view.

"You may stay in our castle in the meantime" King Thrash smiled. Trickee smiled back and bowed in respect.

"We'll behave, your highness" Trickee chuckled. Poppy gathered all her courage and went up to Barb.

"H-Hello, I-I..M-Me is-I m-mean.. H-Hi I-I'm poppy.." Poppy stuttered. "Heh, Hey,  I'm Barb" Barb smiled, a hint of a blush.

The two girls looked away, Smiling and blushing a bit. "Come on Poppy, Let's go explore the city!" Branch tugged on Poppy's skirt.

"Y-yeah, let's go.." Poppy turned to Branch but avoiding his gaze. "Bye bye, Popsqueak!" Barb waved.

The group of Dull Pop Trolls strolled through the city, Poppy was in the middle of a lesbian panic.

"Girl, You okay?" Boom chuckled, "T-The princess Barb and Poppy were blushing" Branch said, slightly confused.

"Oh reallllyyy?" Hype smirked. "Saw something or SOMEONE you like, pOpsQUeAk?" Trickee teased.

"Not. A. Word." Poppy blushed.

"Pfft You're in a middle of a lesbian panic haha!" Ablaze wheezed. "What's a lesbian panic?" Branch asked. 

There was silence.

Ablaze, Trickee, Boom, Hype and Poppy looked at one another. "Um, W-Why don't we wait till you're older, kay buddy?" Ablaze nervously petted Branch.

"Okay" Branch giggled.

The gang explored the entire city, it was amazing! Until one shop caught their eye. 'BOUNTY FOR ROYALS'

"Bounty hunters for the King?!" Ablaze's eyes lit up. "Guys! We can repay the King by being his bounty hunters!" Poppy exclaimed.

"But isn't Boutny hunting dangerous?" Boom was worried slightly and hesitant about this. "We literally survived falling off a cliff!" Hype laughed.

"Alright.. Let's do it!" Boom sighed and smiled determinely. They entered the shop, it was dark.

"Oh hello again!" Barb waved. "Princess? What are you doing here?" Trickee asked, carrying Branch.

"Well, I have been looking for some bounty hunters! One Day, I am going to unite all the genres under rock!" Barb cheered. She paused for a moment and looked at them with a sorry face.

"N-no it's fine, I don't really like my genre anyways.. We want to be bounty hunters for you and your dad! We can help!" Poppy smiled.

"I am the princess of pop village so I can help, we ALL can!" Poppy giggled. "OMFG, THIS IS SO COOL!" Barb squeezed Poppy in a hug.

Poppy blushed, her dull pink face lighting up with bright pink blush. "Oh sorry-!" Barb gently put Poppy down.

"Hey, I have a question, Why are you guys.. dull?" Barb rubbed her shoulder nervously. "Me and my adopted brothers are born this way" Poppy shrugged.

"Our Adopted baby bro, Branch was abandoned and witnessed some troubling stuff.." Hype gestured to Branch.

"Oh, that's sad" Barb picked Branch up. She threw Branch in the air and caught him, Branch giggled and laughed.

"You guys would have to train to work for us though, I'll help!" Barb smiled. They all nodded. "We need a cool name!" Branch giggled.

"He's right" Ablaze ruffled Branch's head. "And we need outfits, masks and nicknames!" Hype smiled.

"Ooh! I got it! How about The Pop Trolls!" Trickee suggested. "Really?" Ablaze put his hands on his hips. 

"IT'S THE BEST I GOT!" They exclaimed. "Ugh, fine then" Ablaze slumped against a wall.

"It's official then, THE POP TROLLS IS A BOUNTY HUNTERS!" Poppy cheered.

SRY FOR TAKING LONG! I had exams, and I have end of year test soon. I will still be writing though! Hope you enjoyed this so far!

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