Chapter 6: Bet

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TW: War, Mentions of Death


It was happening. What had he done?!

George felt the judging looks of the other soldiers on his back as he swam through the camp. "Bet he's not gonna last five minutes on the battlefield", one mumbled to his friend, who chuckled in return. "Bet. He won't last two." "What are we betting?" "Five salmon." "Sounds good."

George felt his blood start to boil, but, as much as he hated to admit it, they were right. He probably wouldn't last five minutes. But before he could stop himself, he had already spoken up. "Bet I'll last longer than both of you together."

The two older mermen stared at him, not even trying to hide their amusement. "Are you for real?", one asked. George tilted his head and grinned cockily. "Bet."

It was a bet he would surely lose, but he couldn't help it. Nobody was allowed to insult him like that and they would never dare to make fun of him again after he returned from the battlefield victoriously.

Oh, who was he kidding. Atleast he wouldn't have to pay five salmon if he died.

George hadn't recieved any kind of training or advice beforehand, the only thing he knew being that he would be at the back of the army in one of the last rows. His position had been changed after word had gotten around that the second and not the first born prince would be joining.

It was safer for him this way, but George knew deep inside nobody believed he would survive. After all, he was nothing but the lazy, spoiled, second born royal offspring to everyone else.

George had never really thought about death. It had always been something that he knew would happen eventually, but in the very, very far future. As it turned out, the very, "very far future" could be today in a matter of seconds.

Did he want to die? No. Did he want to think about it? No.

That was it. There was nothing he could change about his situation now. He would try his best to survive on the battlefield and if he died... well, he died.

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