Chapter Twelve

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As the morning sun streamed through the curtains, Alyssa's stomach churned with nausea, a sensation that had become all too familiar in recent days. Anyways, she pushed herself out of bed.

As she approached the kitchen, she saw Alisha and Ashlyn making breakfast. Alisha was making herself a cup of coffee. The aroma of the coffee, once her morning ritual, now made her tummy turn.

"Aunty Alisha!" Ashlyn run to hug her. Alyssa forced on a fake smile. "Come. Come join us let's make breakfast."

"Of course." Alyssa smiled as Ashlyn pulled her playfully to the kitchen.

"Good morning, sis!" Alyssa smiled trying hard not to feel nauseous.

"Are you feeling okay?" Alisha asked seeing Alyssa.

Alyssa nodded with a smile. Alisha poured a cup of coffee and passed it to Alyssa. "Here!"

Alyssa felt nauseous again. She looked at the cup of coffee in Alisha.


"Huh?" Alyssa forced a smile and took the cup of coffee.

As the aroma wafted towards her, Alyssa's tummy rebelled, and she hastily put the cup back down.

"Alyssa, are you feeling okay?" Alisha asked, looking really worried this time.

Alyssa forced a smile, trying to dismiss her discomfort. "Just a little queasy." She replied hoping she wouldn't sense the turmoil brewing within her.

Angelino walked in and was greeted by the receptionist.

"Good morning, sir!" Lina greeted.

"Good morning, Lina. Alisha in yet?"

"No, sir. Not yet."


"Good morning, StyleSavvy Atelier!"

"Good morning, sir!" All the workers responded.

Angelino was heading to his office when Denise run to him. "Sir."

Angelino was startled by Denise's appearance. She was in a strapless blue dress slightly above her knees with a black belt on.

"Good morning, sir." Denise smiled.

"Good morning, Denise!" Angelino nodded and went back to his office.

"Have a great day at work, today. Break a leg." Ashlyn winked.

"Thank you, sweetheart. Have a wonderful day at school, today okay?"

"You'll be late. See you after school." Ashlyn kissed Alisha on the cheek and run to the school.

Ashlyn entered the huge hallway of the school and saw Jeanna talking with some of their classmates.

"Jeanna!" Ashlyn opened her arms as she run towards Jeanna.

"Ashlyn!" Jeanna run to go meet Ashlyn. When they got close, they enveloped each other in a hug.

"I missed you so much over the weekend." Ashlyn said as they pulled out of the hug.

"I missed you, too girlfriend!" Jeanna had a big smile on her face.

"Ashlyn!" Ashlyn and Jeanna turned to see April.

Ashlyn wowed as she saw April approaching, dressed in the school's uniform with her backpack on her back. She was wearing make-up and had a big smile on her face.

"Hi, April." Ashlyn waved.

"Hi!" April smiled in return.

"Ahem!" Jeanna cleared her throat.

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