an interesting punishment

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Grunting and groaning, type made a hard face has he was going up and down.
"Harder!" Tharn commanded.
Type rolled his eyes.
"!" He was able to squeeze out.
What tharn was making him do was hard and hurt.
Tharn narrowed his eyes.
"I said harder!"
Type looked to him to then fall back to the bed to stretch out his arms to either side to breathe in and hard.
Tharn rolled his eyes to then go forward from the wall to look over him.
"You have no upper body strength."
Type moved his hand up to then flip tharn off.
"I'm not in high school! Shouldn't need to be doing pull ups you prick!"
"You shouldn't be trying to pick up anyone!"
Types lips parted for his eyes to widen to look to his finger has tharn placed his hand about it to squeeze.
"You have no right to have any anger towards me."
"Yes I do! I want the doctors number!"
Tharn narrowed his eyes to start to squeeze a bit more, type moved up to place his other hand to that action to try to pry tharn off.
"Mmm, make me."
Type tried harder to feel tharn slipping to then feel him go harder.
"God damnit! Will you stop!"
"Not until I get my point across."
"I understand your point! But until I get that doctor's number, you are going against the deal too! So stop!"
Tharn made a hard face, he gave types finger a bit more of a squeeze to then turn to go to the desk, type sat up further to place his hand about his finger.
Type then looked up to eye over tharn who was before him again with a folded note.
Type widen his eyes has he looked to the paper.
He then slowly started to go to it to then reach for it for tharn to move it back, type furrowed his brow to then look to him.
"What the....."
"Nothing in life comes easy...... Well.... Just you."
Type widened his eyes to then burst out laughing. Tharns lips parted at that, his laughing was musical.
Tharn couldn't help but to place the piece of paper to the night stand to then place his mouth to types, type kept his eyes opened to look over him, tharn then moved back to place his hands to his face.
"Don't..... Fight this time then....."
Tharn looked to the side table he placed the paper on to then look back to type who then peered his eyes to the piece of paper to sign. He then started to coo has tharn placed his mouth to his neck to start to kiss to move a hand down to his crotch to start to rub.
Type moved his hands to tharns shoulders to grip at his shirt.
"Fucking.....mmm.... Better..... Give it Me...."
Tharn then pushed type down to hover over.
"Trust me, I will."
Type couldn't help but to laugh again to then roll his eyes to place his hands to tharns mouth to pull it down for them to go into a hot and heavy kiss.
Tharn then moved his hands to his button down to unbutton, to move his arms back to continue to kiss type and hard to try to move his tooth over his tongue, for type to move his hands to his now bare chest to push him back a bit.
"Let's just..... Go slow. Don't always have to rush into things. Called foreplay. You need to learn it and stop being so eagar."
Type turned his head to place his mouth back to tharns not knowing why he wanted to go slow but he went with the moment.
Tharn darted his eyes over type to then close to give into that, type kept moving his hands about his chest to then take them slowly down to start to undo his pants, to move his hands back up has his pants were open to grip his shoulders to stay locked in this kiss, tharn then moved his hands to the bottom of his the shirt to take it up to move back from there kiss, for type to sit up, for his hair tie to fall out of his hair for his semi length to move about his head, to see tharn throw the shirt behind him, for type to move forward to place his mouth back to tharns first.
Type moved a hand back to steady himself, the other went about tharns neck to then start to grind upon tharn, has he was to his knees, tharn breathed and hard in this act, it made his dick throb uncontrollably in his pants, he couldn't help but to push type back to the bed to go to his pants to take apart, with his boxers to do the same to his, to place his arms about his legs to bend them to place his tip to his outter, type then placed his hands back to his chest to push tharn back who looked to type with lust.
"I said.... Slow."
Tharn took in a deep breathe.
"My dick hurts."
"And. You need to go slow, not just fucking yourself."
Type then moved his hand up to place salvia to it to then place it to tharns cock to then pump his length for a moment to lay it down to his for type to start to grind, to place his clean hand to tharns cheek to breathe has heavily has him for them to keep there eyes to the other.
"Slowness....has it's....advantages."
Type then kicked tharns lips and that was it for him, he couldn't hold back anymore, he drew blood in his mouth to push type back, to place his tongue in for type to make a mad face, he was actually getting into this, he then tensed to feel tharn go instantly in to ram himself for types eyes to go in the back of his head.
After, type was to his stomach, sleeping soundly, taking in very deep breathes here and there, to then open his eyes to dart them, he signed, what they did, had him cum but didn't satisfy him, signing again for a moment he closed his eyes to then pop them open to remember, he then moved up to then reach for the note with a smile to then have it fade after what he read, he then looked to the door that was closed.
"You mother fucking liar!"
What type read, was tharns number.

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