getting even

137 16 21

The next week, type made sure to stay away from tharn to spend the nights with his one friend from work, there friendship was to the down low, so tharn didn't Even know where type was going at nights, he even got away before tharn could intervene. Type also turned off his phone so the texts and calls tharn made he wouldn't answer.
Type was livid pissed with tharn for his lie.
Moving his head up and down, type slowly took in breathes to then shuffle from his stomach to his back, to slowly open his eyes to sign.
Sleeping on a couch was not at all comfortable.
Type placed his hand to his forehead to rub to then yawn, he slowly got up to grab the hair tie from his wrist to then place his hair up to move his arms up to stretch, he then turned his head to move his arms down to raise an eye before.
A cute ish girl came out of his friends room, with nothing but a long t shirt, to eye over type to give an awkward smile to then go to the kitchen to start in on some food.
Type watched her go to then eye down a bit, to then hear a person clear there throat, he then looked back to see his friend, with nothing but boxers on, with his arms wrapped about himself to have his body leaned to the door way to eye over him.
Type mouthed, I'm sorry.
The friend lightly laughed to then shrug to go over to the girl to slap her to her ass to then go stand behind her to wrap his arms about to sway them a bit.
Type signed to turn his head to look forward.
This started to remind him of his past.
Type shook his head to then lay back down to place his hands over his eyes to try and not remember that.
He then moved his hands away to eye up.
"So..... How much longer are you staying at my crib? My girlfriend.... Well.... It's starting to...."
Type nodded.
"Can't I until Monday?"
The friend shrugged.
"Should be fine. Why are you staying with me anyways?"
"My place.......has a nuisance bug problem, should be clear by then. Just pissing me off."
The friend shrugged again to then turn to go back to his girl.
Type lifted his head up to watch him go to then settle back down to eye over the ceiling to sign.
Never should have moved in with this asshole.
Type rolled his eyes to then get up to go to the bedroom to relieve himself to then wash his hands to go about to head to the kitchen to start to help, sitting across from the love birds was starting to piss him off.
Type sat to have his head hung to hear all there googey talk to roll his eyes a lot.
Signing, he then ate a bit here and there to make a face, this environment really started to make him remember his own past relationship that fucked him over.
"You know.....kio......I think I'm going to leave today, after breakfast."
Kio turned his head has his girl was feeding him to look to type.
"You sure? What about the plan for Monday?"
"You two need time alone."
You love birds are being gross.
He shrugged to look to her.
"Suit yourself."
Type nodded to not look at them to finish his meal to then help to clean up, getting dressed, types friend lead him out with his girl to the side, for type to place on his shoes to then stop to raise an eye brow. He then got an evil idea.
Type then turned to look to her, to then go straight to her to give her a very tight hug.
"Thank you for putting up with me."
Type made sure to smell just like her to then move back to smile to then look to kio who was fuming a bit to roll his eyes.
"Kio...... Stop."
Type looked back to her, has she blushed to then turn to leave.
Type then left to go straight to the bus to then sit with a smile to his face. He was getting even with tharn for what he did over a week ago.
Finally getting back, type texted kio to clear the AIR, he was mad that type hugged his girl but type explained that he knew he was being a burden and didn't want to hinder there relationship, kio understood, even though that's not why type hugged her to then go into the apartment to turn to close the door to place off his shoes to then smirk, he could hear hard breathing to the side of him.
He turned about, after he took off his shoes to then look over tharn who was not at all happy.
Type then went about for tharns ability to smell was still heightened, for tharn to snap his head to the side to watch type go to then follow.
"Where have you've been!"
"Whenever I want to, what am I your prisoner?"
"We have a deal!"
Type stopped, so did tharn, for him to turn to look over him.
"I know we do. And yet you have still not lived up to your end."
Tharn narrowed his eyes to step closer to type.
"Is that why you smell of a female!"
Type looked over a very pissed tharn to then wrap his arms about himself.
Tharn flexed his jaw to step closer.
"Did you fuck her type?"
Type darted his eyes over tharn to take in a very deep breathe.
"Mm.... Maybe."
Tharns lips parted to scoff.
"Your nothing but a little whore I see. Will sleep with whoever. Do you not have self respect!"
Types eyes widened to look at tharn in anger.
"Go to hell you lying, deceiving, manipulative, jackass!"
Type turned to just be pulled back to feel tharns hands to his face to be pulled in a tight kiss for type to place his hands to his chest to push him away to then turn to try to go around tharn to leave just to be pushed to the wall, tharn placed his hands to his neck, to hold him there, without any malice or pain, to have his body to his, to breathe very hard, for type to have his hands to his chest to breathe just has has for them to dart there eyes over the other.
Feeling what he felt, type rolled his eyes at this situation, to turn his head to move his hands up to then place them to tharns neck to pull him to his mouth for them to go into a deep kiss has they started to grind themselves on the other, they really just couldn't hold back anymore, to types desmay, has he was pissed at this man.

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