the consequence

136 12 17

Twitching a bit, type was locked in that nightmare to be breathing and hard has it turned worse, he saw a lot of people coming towards him for him to turn to see the boy growl to have hatred in his eyes, while that man was bent to his ear to be talking and low, types eyes then widened when he saw that boy have his canines go down to start to go forward with a murderous rage, types eyes popped open for him to quiver from head to toe, he then took in deep calming breathes, to then go to his back to place his hands to his eyes to groan, he then sat up to place a hand to his neck.
"What the.....oooh shit!"
Type made a very hard face has what happened last night went through his head.
Fuck! I asked him to.....shit!
Type rolled his eyes to his Idiocracy to then get up to be dazed for a moment he then moved back to hang his head to place his hands to the edge to breathe heavily.
What the Fuck! I feel so.... Light headed....
Type made a very hard face to then be able to go and slow to the bathroom to relieve himself and wash his hands to down some water to the facet to eye over the bite mark, type placed a finger to it to trace to sign.
What the Fuck is wrong with me? Why did I ask him to do that!
Type then bite his lip has he remembered how he felt after, he then hung his head to look down to his erection.
"Oh you shut up!"
Type rolled his eyes to think of very disgusting things to then go about a bit light headed to go to the dresser to grab out a shirt and his boxers to then go slowly about with a hand to his head, he didn't feel really good, he then rounded the corner to then widen his eyes at the feast that was to the long table, to eye up a bit more to see two pill bottles, he then raised an eye before to then go further forward to then sit down to grab a plate to fill it up to then grab one of the bottles to eye.
Iron supplements?
Type then jumped a bit to lower the bottle from his hand to look across the table to then eye over tharn who was there to have no expression to have his arms about himself, type placed the bottle to the table to then look down to start to eat, tharn watched over him.
"How do you feel?"
Type shrugged.
Don't really want to talk about anything.
"I need to know."
Type signed.
"Let me call the doctor."
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"Tell me type." He said slowly.
Type slowly looked up.
"Feel..... Like shit. Did you.... Really...."
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"You asked for it."
"So? I ask for a lot of things, you don't always give. Why did you fucking listen to me!"
"You Called me a pussy."
Type then made a sick face to eye down, tharns lips parted.
"Are you okay?"
"You need to eat more. Get more sugar."
Type complied to then start to eat more, tharn then got up to go about to then stand behind type to stay to rub at his shoulders to eye down.
"Um..... Need to eat..... Then go to work."
"Took the day off for us both. We need to talk about the consequences to this."
Type started to chew slowly.
"What.... Consequences?"
"Well.....I feed three times a day. You need to take 4 iron supplements, need to eat better and...."
Type shrugged tharn off to then turn a bit to look up at him.
"What are you talking about? You take your pills."
"I can't now. The doctor told me never to fed from someone, if I do, the pills will not be affective."
Type rolled his eyes.
"Try. I am not going to have you do that again."
Type then eyed down with a face, it did make the sex incredible but still, how he was feeling, type was not going to have this happen again.
"I did this morning, threw up and was incredible pain. I can't."
Type looked to tharn with narrowed eyes.
"Show me."
"You want to see me throw up and be in pain?"
"You lie to me. We both know it."
Tharn gritted his teeth to then grab type by his wrist, to then pull him to stop half way to turn his head has type said stop, to place a hand to his forehead to sway a bit.
"I am sorry."
Tharn then turned his head to then continue to go forward to the room where his pills were to grab the bottle to then take type to the bathroom to go before the toilet to eye the pill he took to then look to type who remained to the door frame.
Tharn signed to then take the pill to immediately go to his knees to throw up, types lips parted to then go straight to him to go to his knees to rub his back.
Tharn then moved his head out to cough to place his hands to his stomach to grip has the pain started to sit in. Type couldn't help but to hold tharn, he really thought he was lying.
Type made a hard face, he didn't want to bring pain to anyone.
A bit later, type was able to get tharn to eat bread, to have him take one of the pain pills from the other bottle that was to the table, to be eyeing over him has he ate.
"Are.... You okay?"
Tharn downed a bottle of water type gave him to then look to type to nod.
Type then looked down to swirl his food about.
"I..... Don't want to....fed you my blood, have you thought about someone else or..... Blood banks?"
"I will only fed from you."
Type signed.
"I like you."
Type rolled his eyes.
"Uh huh."
"Type, rather you believe I do or not, I do, now, I need to fed from you, three times a day."
"No. It makes me feel like shit."
"That was before, you need to keep full and hydrated with iron pills in your system."
"Tharn.....I said no."
Type tensed to feel tharns hands to his shoulders to have them be rubbing him.
"This is not up for discussion."
"This is my body, my blood, this goes so over the deal we made, the deal I'm keeping up with and you are not!"
Tharn narrowed his eyes to grip a bit more, type winced tharn then had to then take in a deep breathe.
"I need blood to survive, type. I need you."
Type then hung his head to feel tharns hands go up and down inside his shirt, to then turn his head a bit to the side has tharn bent to go to his ear.
"Let me show you, my vampiric side."
Types eyes closed to feel a finger go in his mouth to feel two fingers to a nipple to play with, types whole body felt like it was on electric fire with this man's touch, type slowly peered his eyes to the side to look him over to furrow his brow.
Shit! I'm so......fucked!

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