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Hellman Hall is a buzz with staff seeing to it that the evening is perfect for the lady of the house. 'The guest list is confirmed?' the Baroness walks through her grand home sending shivers down the hearts of her employees. 'Yes, Baroness.' her dutiful valet responds, he follows at her heels obediently. 'And you will see to it that the champagne is arranged for my entrance? I do not wish to mimic the events of that old money relic of a woman last week. The attendees were drunk before I even made an entrance.' John inclines his head. 'Yes, Baroness.' Victoria Von Hellman, goes, still. 'What. Is. That?' Every word is punched out the entire ensemble of staff goes still, a creeping sense of fear spreading over everyone. Heels clack across the floor as the Baroness zeros in on a man beside a floral centerpiece. She reaches out, plucking a single tuberous begonia, bearing masses of soft pink, double flowers with a faint yellow blush. 'What did I say about this type of begonia? It does not belong here. It is not the correct colour!' she squashes the flower in her hand. 'S-sorry Baroness. I assure you it is one small error there is not a single of these wretched f-flowers in any other-' Victoria rolls her eyes. 'Ugh. Spare me.' she wipes her hand on his shirt sleeves in disgust dropping the squashed flower. 'Time for my nine-minute power nap. John, try to ensure these imbeciles don't ruin anything else with their incompetence.' she rolls her eyes and struts off. 'Yes, my lady. Of course.' he gives the florist an apologetic look.

That night the Baroness prepares for her party and styles her long brunette locks up revealing her delicate throat adorned with a diamond necklace. She smoothes down her asymmetrical imperial purple frock with the black and gold undertones. Victoria checks her makeup, it is perfect of course. She lifts two large golden earrings off a tray presented by one of her maids and puts them on a sapphire bracelet shimmies down her wrist in the process. 'How do I look?' she asks absently as she admires her reflection. 'You look fabulous.' the maid offers helpfully. 'Well, I know that.' okay, not that helpfully, the Baroness rolls her eyes. 'Come, we've kept our guests waiting long enough.' she heads for the door and another maid obediently opens it. The Baroness pays no attention, as though she herself manifested the door to open. After all, everyone else was simply in her orbit. How lucky they were, to be within her presence, they truly ought to show more gratitude. The Baroness walks out to the top of the stairs her pout of disdain morphs into a beautiful smile as she lifts a glass of champagne from a tray. The crowd falls silent gasping in awe at their beautiful hostess. 'Thank you all for coming to Hellman Hall's ninth annual jewelry exhibition. Here's' she shrugs with a smirk raising her glass. This is followed by a chorus of, "To the Baroness."

The lady strides down the stairs and her valet waits holding out his hand; she takes it climbing off the last few steps then leaves to mingle. Several highly expensive jewelry items are on lit podiums around the room, each surrounded by a glass box. The Baroness takes enjoyment as she struts around occasionally answering questions about her impressive collection. She knows some have come to dream they could own such expensive items, and others resent her wealth. She basks in their jealousy and admiration with equal bliss. Music plays as models strut up and down a makeshift catwalk wearing her latest designs, she raises her chin arrogantly observing it all. Her world. 'It is going well, your ladyship.' John congratulates her over her shoulder and she slightly turns her head in his direction. 'Master of understatement, as always.' she simpers then turns back to watch the glorious show. The event carries on and by nightfall, she retires. It's always best to leave one's party early when the crowd is buzzing. She heads upstairs but stops hearing a crash. She looks over the staircase when she hears the noise, her mauve fingernails clutching the wooden bannister.

Several masked robbers dressed in black crash her party, threatening her guests and ordering them to hand over their jewelry. Women scream. Men shake and fumble, emptying their wallets. One of the robbers smashes a protective glass case containing an emerald necklace. Victoria clenches her jaw and heads to her study where a cream-white rotary phone sits on her desk. 'Ah!' she screams as two masked robbers grab her by her arms restraining her, a third slams the door shut with a single kick. 'Get your hands off of me! Animals! Do you know who I am?!' she cries out indignantly. The robbers struggle to restrain her as she is not going down without a fight. The third masked robber approaches, holding the Baroness and looking into her eyes as she fights, the robber nods at the office chair. The other two force her to sit and tie her to it so she can't escape; she hisses in pain as her legs bangs off the desk in the process. The robber then inclines their head to the door and the other two leave. 'Who are you? What do you want?' she demands through bared teeth. Tugging at the rope proves to be useless as there is no way in which she can escape.

The robber circles the Baroness and walks behind her leaning in against her elegant neck she can feel their breath, and click, looking down Victoria sees her diamond necklace slip into her cleavage. She feels a hand near her ear and shudders as the two golden earrings are removed and tossed onto the plush carpet. She blinks as each hits the ground with a soft thud. 'You won't get away with this!' The robber slowly walks over to Victoria's desk looking over the different implements on it. 'The police will be here any moment!' The robber lifts the straight razor from Victoria's desk, and slowly approaches opening the blade and gently running it over the center of her dress down her chest and stomach and stopping the end of the frock splitting it open. Victoria is still. The diamond necklace falls from her cleavage landing between her legs, Victoria gasps but she can't do a thing to stop it. She sees the black leather gloved hand reach for her thighs, she clenches them together. The masked robber stops looking up, the elegant beauty gasps her bare chest rising and falling. She sees the eyes behind the mask settle on her breasts. In a moment of indecision, she yanks the mask off.

Your hair tumbles down your back when she removes your mask, and she sees a young woman knelt before her. Reaching up you gently touch her hand keeping eye contact she licks her lips. 'What now? Do you intend to take my prized jewels?' she asks in a shaky voice. You smirk up at her. 'Oh, I'm going to take more than that, "your ladyship".' Victoria raises an eyebrow. 'You wouldn't dare, you silly common girl.' She challenges you. You hook your fingers under her knickers, she raises an eyebrow again, and you yank the underwear from her. The necklace falls between her legs, you reach for it but go further finding her sex teasing it with your fingers. 'Mmmm.' she moans. 'My, my, your ladyship, are you being pleasured by a commoner? That is depraved. It's filthy.' Victoria tightens her jaw. 'You little! UGH!' you slip two fingers inside of her shutting her up. 'Is it to the ladies' liking?' her legs open wider for you she grips the arms of her chair unable to speak, she feels your lips on her chest covering her breasts with kisses. 'God! Yn!' she closes her eyes as you trail kisses further down and settle your mouth on her hot wet cunt. 'God yes! Yes!' You grab her thigh as she bucks her hips. She arches her back as you have your way with her, and the diamond necklace slides off the chair piling on the floor.

When she is screaming your name you know her pleasure is complete. You untie the ropes and look up at her. She looks so beautiful bathing in her after-glow. It's when she suddenly pins you down on the floor you gasp in surprise she leans down kissing you. Your hands run over her naked body resting on her arse she parts from your lips looking smug. 'Well, how did I do?' you smirk up at her. 'Satisfactory, I liked your move with my necklace.' she purrs. 'What can I say, even "silly common girls" have their moments. You almost scalped me when you ripped the mask off.' you pout. 'Ah, I must admit I was partly concerned it wasn't really you, I just wanted to be certain.' she runs her fingers through your hair. Seeing a bruise forming just on the side of her leg you gently touch it. 'Did I?' Victoria shakes her head. 'No, it was when I was being restrained, I think the servants took a little too much joy in their role.' she admits. You frown. 'I told them to be careful with that part.' You roll her over so you're on top you lean down gently kissing the bruise forming. 'Oh don't worry, I'll be sure to get my own payback on the staff.' she reaches up teasing a strand of your hair. You smile. 'I just can't help feeling we forgot something.'

'Baroness!' The door bursts open as John enters, he sees the golden earrings, his boss's discarded underwear, then the diamond necklace. He then sees you wrapped around Victoria shielding her modesty. 'Yn?' he looks between you both. Victoria is a little embarrassed but you have her well covered. 'John! Could you please learn to knock.' you frown. John stands with his mouth open. 'The guests are traumatised...there is smashed glass to be cleaned up. Was this all part of some little sexual roleplay?! My god, I've rang Scotland Yard for nothing! I thought we were being robbed!' Victoria rolls her eyes. 'Really John, why must you always be so dramatic.' she rolls her eyes. You capture her in another long romantic kiss. 'Unbelievable.' John leaves slamming the door behind him, a police helicopter flies over Hellman Hall.

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