Bite Me

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You feel on edge. Two of the other girls who had gone in to model for the Baroness had left in floods of tears and you didn't want to be the third. 'Yn.' one of the designers calls for you and you steel yourself as you enter the lioness's den. When you enter the room is empty the office is grand with antique furniture, and to the left is a modesty screen embroidered with poisonous flowers. You fidget not knowing what to do when you hear the heels clacking on the wooden floor the hair on the back of your neck sticks up. The door opens and she enters, the tall statuesque beauty enters wearing a black asymmetric blouse with matching silk trousers and hair wrap. Her pursed lips are painted a dark plumb, she doesn't even look at you. 'Yn.' she states making you jump as she takes her seat behind her desk. A stack of gold rings glints on her fingers, her nails are painted in the same dark hue as her lips, and you hear her over sized chunky gold bracelet scrape across the oak desk as she arranges your file to the top of her paperwork. She lifts her black horn-rimmed glasses perching them on the bridge of her nose. You can see her run her tongue along her bottom teeth, finally, she looks up at you. 'Well? Are you just going to stand there gawping at me? If so I fear you will be as big a disappointment as the last two.'

You swallow and nod. 'Right, um,' you approach sitting down and holding out your hand. 'My name is-' 'I just said your name stupid girl. An introduction is hardly necessary, stand.' she stands up and it takes you a moment to register. The cold woman is already beside you snapping her fingers. 'I don't have all day.' You quickly get to your feet. 'Forgive me, Baroness, I'm a little nervous-' 'Why are you speaking?' she cuts across you. You feel her stare at the side of your face she shifts directly in front of you putting a hand under your chin. 'Side portfolio is perfection, complexion fair, you avoid the sun? That's smart, it matures the skin.' You quirk an eyebrow. 'This is London we don't exactly see a lot of sun.' The Baroness gives you a withering look the corners of her mouth twitch at your sarcastic reply. 'Funny, dear. But I am looking for a model, not a comedian. Take your clothes off.' You blink in surprise. 'My lady?' The Baroness turns from you going back to her side of the desk. 'Well? What are you waiting for, go behind the screen and strip into your underwear, I want to measure you.' You swallow. 'My measurements are on my form Baroness.' The older woman snorts. 'You wouldn't be the first girl to try and lie about her figure now get your clothes off or get out of my office.' she shrugs.

You take your coat off with a blush and step out of your shoes you walk behind the screen and strip down to your underwear as requested. Taking a deep breath you step out from behind the screen in a pair of black matching knickers and bra. She doesn't acknowledge you but then grabs her measuring tape strutting over to you. Without waiting for permission she wraps it around your waist bending down she notes the measurement then does the same with your hips. 'Why are you here?' she wraps the tape around your upper arm. 'W-why am I here?' you quiz. The Baroness notes the measurement your eyes widen as she wraps the tape around your upper thigh. 'In my office, why did you wish to model for me?' she doesn't look at you taking down the next measurement. 'Well, I have just always really loved your designs.' The Baroness notes this and then circles behind you, you feel measure from your shoulder to your hip her fingers brush against your back causing goosebumps. 'Satisfactory answer.' you gasp feeling her wrap the tape around your throat, you swallow. Leaning in to read the measurement her lips brush your shoulder. 'Hmmm.' she mutters. 'Is something wrong?' you ask anxiously.

'No.' she walks back to her desk sits down she looks up at you. 'What do you do in your free time?' You look confused. 'My free time?' The older woman drums her fingers on the desk lazily. 'I....' She rolls her eyes. 'Not even able to produce an imaginary personality, how disappointing, you may go. My people will be in touch.' You feel a spark of anger in your chest standing still you stare at her. 'What are you still doing here, I just told you. Go.' she draws a red x on your file. 'You're impossibly arrogant, and I am glad I didn't get the job.' The Baroness looks up and removes her glasses. 'What did you just say to me?' she asks dangerously. You raise your chin. 'I read in my free time. I write a little too, I intend to be published one day. I speak French, Italian, and German, and I am learning Mandarin. I like to study, and I enjoy art. What I don't do is waste my time in the company of ill-mannered nobles.' You turn on your heel and storm out slamming the door. You sheepishly re-enter with a blush. 'I'll just get my things.' You go back behind the screen pulling your clothes back on then head for the door. 'Yn.' she drawls and you turn back to her but she isn't looking at you. 'Swinton will take you to your room. You have the job.' You blink looking totally shocked. 'I have the-' The designer opens the door and when you turn back to Baroness has vanished so you follow the designer to your new abode.

The room is grand but you notice that the curtains are bolted down stopping any sunlight from entering the room. You turn in time to see the bedroom door close, frowning you go over and try the handle, it's locked. 'Hello? Hello? I don't think you meant to lock me in here. Hello? The door is stuck.' you bang on the door but sigh eventually giving up. You see a white night dress laid out on the bed and change into it, you sigh climbing into the large king-sized bed ready to fall asleep. A cold breeze blows through the room and you hear your name travel in the wind. 'Yn.' 'Yn.' The voice calls to you, and your room door clicks open you exit following the voices down the corridor of the large mansion you hear running water. You find yourself going down a hidden passage the calling is stronger than ever it is hypnotic. You stop in the darkness hot steam evaporates past you and you see pool sized bath in front of you the Baroness strides forward from the side wrapped in a dark shroud her long hair flows down to her waist. As she steps into the pool she drops the shroud and you know you shouldn't look but you can't help it her body is so phenomenal you almost miss the display of ruby hanging unevenly around her neck.

You then notice the two girls who had also interviewed for the role of model earlier, to your shock they are both naked

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You then notice the two girls who had also interviewed for the role of model earlier, to your shock they are both naked. Their hair is pinned up and they enter the water with the Baroness, the older woman doesn't react, and you rub your eyes wondering if you are dreaming. The girls don't look remotely aware of what they are doing you watch as they bathe your new boss. It is an ethereal sight to behold as though the Baroness is some sort of Roman Empress. The whole scene is erotic, you see the Baroness mouth something. One of the girl's steps in front of her tilting her head to the side the Baroness licks her now rose red painted lips. To your horror you see the Baroness bite into the girl's neck, it is not's....she's....she's feeding from her. The girl remains in a trance and when the Lady is finished she merely drops the girl. Her corpse floats in the bath water, and your heart pounds in your chest. You put your hands over your mouth. 'Who is there?' You hear the Baroness call out and you immediately step back further into the darkness. As quick as you can you rush back up the hidden passage. 'Yn.' You hear her voice in the shell of your ear. You let out a scream as you feel something sharp pierce your neck.

You scream at the top of your lungs, the Baroness's fangs pierce your neck you feel one of her arms wrap around your torso as her hand explores your breasts. A trickle of red blood runs down your cleavage. You feel her other arm wrap around your lower body, the white silk gown slides up your thighs, her hand wanders between your legs teasing your now exposed clit. The strange thing is the burning pain has gone now and you can only feel overwhelming pleasure, it's incredible she plunges two fingers inside of you working up a rhythm. 'You are mine now, yn, you belong to me.' Like someone just jolted your soul with electricity, you moan tilting your head back allowing the dark queen more access she bites down deeper. Blackness. You jump awake in your bed the next morning and take a moment to collect yourself. You react to the ridiculous dream you just had. The Baroness, a vampire? How ridiculous, you laugh to yourself shaking your head. You get up and get dressed your room door is open and you leave heading downstairs to locate your work schedule. 'Yn. You are late.' The Baroness enters the room her hair piled high on her head she shows no indication of indifference or otherwise to you. 'It's six am, forgive me I didn't know I had a certain starting time.' The Baroness rolls her eyes. 'Don't let it happen again, your midnight wandering will not be an excuse for lateness.'

'My what?' You freeze, look up, and then turn just in time to see her leaving the room. 'What do you mean?' you call after her. Looking at the mirror directly in front of you, you feel you slowly tilt your head to the side seeing the two puncture marks in your throat.

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