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London is starting to grow dark under the night sky and while many of the city's residents are retiring to bed, a particular room in Hellman Hall consists of a small party of men. The most notorious drug kingpin's in all of Britain. Lord Avory sits in an armchair smoking his pipe. He is a tall skeletal older man who seems to be asleep for the most part. At a table sits a young man with long dark hair sipping a whisky a cruel look seems permanently etched on his features. His pet, a young woman curled up by his feet like a dog wearing a collar and dog leash. The Baron Von Hellman offers him a line of cocaine which he willingly takes. Across from him sits another young man who can't seem to stop twitching he looks uncomfortable. 'It's your shot, Wilhelm.' A large man around the same age as the Baron stands across the opposite side of a pool table holding his cigar. 'Although if I were you I'd just hand over your sections now, allow me to provide the people of this fine city with the drugs they require. Perhaps you could take up a class knitting, or flower arranging, it would seem a man's game is not suited to you.' This causes the men to chuckle, the Baron is immediately humiliated and enraged. The table stands with one yellow ball, one black, one white, and six red. The red now matches the face of the player trying to sink them. 'Very good, Porky, but I have plenty of opportunities left.' he pulls at his mustache.

Wilhelm takes a gulp of whisky and then bends over the table, his vision is doubled from alcohol as he aims his cue. 'Just watch this.' The Baron shoots his shot, tearing the green felt on the pool table he sinks the black ball and causes the white one to roll off the table. The men laugh and Wilhelm is further enraged. The door opens and in walks the beautiful lady of the house in a cream marabou robe her hair in a loose side braid down to her waist. 'For heaven's sake Wilhelm it is almost midnight I can't sleep with all of this noise!' she hisses. In a blind rage, Wilhelm charges at his stunned wife grabbing her by the throat and pinning her to the wall. 'She made me miss! You all saw that!' Victoria claws at his hand, the slave girl keeps her head bowed but watches out of the corner of her eye. 'Wil-hel-m, pl-ease!' she chokes. 'Oh don't be such a sore loser old boy put the silly woman down.' Porky blows out a puff of smoke. 'I am no loser!' he turns letting go of his wife and she gasps for air. 'I will best any one of you, right here, right now.' Porky smirks. 'Then why don't we make it a little more interesting? Next game, I wager you two of my territories and 50 bricks of cocaine.' The Baron looks pleased with this offer. 'But if I win, I get her, and I can put her to work in my brothel..' he points at the Baroness her eyes widening. 'Done. Hardly seems a fair win for you but yes. She is all yours.'

Victoria hears a jangle and looks at the feet of the young man spotting the young woman chained up like a dog. 'If that is the prize then we should all be given a shot to participate. I offer you all of my territories, if you lose your wife is mine.' The Baron shrugs. 'The more the merrier.' Victoria steps forward. 'Wilhelm, you can't, you can't be serious!' The older man is suddenly awake too. 'I will wager you three of my territories and my best drug mule, if I win her I get to use her in one of my experiments.' The Baron looks thrilled at the horror on his wife's face for it was well known how Lord Avory was a man of science. That term we will use loosely, in fact, he was more of a butcher who had a knack for disfiguring beautiful women 'Wilhelm....please.' The Baroness's heartbeat increases and her husband smiles. 'Victoria if I did not know better I would say you are predicting I will be bested which is not very wifely of you. Alas, I do not wish you to fear, if Lord Avory wins and makes you into one of his creatures I can remarry a beautiful woman.' he pats her hand. 'I will wager you anything you want but if I win, I want to watch all of you fuck the whore in front of me.' The twitchy man declares, the men share a look of hesitation not wishing to be objectified themselves, how terrible that would be, but seeing how pale Victoria has turned the baron smirks. 'Done.'

'No!' The Baroness turns on her heel to run but her husband already has a grip on her arm. 'Come now little dove, don't be a tease these lovely men want to see what they could win.' he forces her over the table pulling up her skirts. 'As you can see, arse and cunt are without deformity.' he shows her off slapping her arse gaining some cheers. 'You bastard!' she grabs the red pool ball turning and smashing it off his head. Blood drips down the Baron's face and the look in his eyes causes his wife to sink back. 'You are going to pay for that.' he whispers dangerously. Lifting the pool cue she immediately knows that he intends to beat her with it. 'Wilhelm.....' she walks backward from him. 'Think about it, if I am to be a prize then wouldn't beating me lessen my value?' The Baron smirks cruelly. 'I had no intention of beating you my dear wife.' he shifts how he was holding the instrument suggesting his intent to use the object in a far more intimate manner. Victoria's lips twitch in a panic as she's pressed against the wall. 'Why don't you fine gentlemen hold my wife down whilst I teach her a lesson?' The Baroness places a hand on her chest in fear.

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