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When you took the job as ladies' maid at Hellman Hall you knew it wouldn't be easy

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When you took the job as ladies' maid at Hellman Hall you knew it wouldn't be easy. Working for the upper class often is difficult, your employers are rude and snooty, and in the case of male employers, handsy. What you failed to account for was how awkward your work life would be due to the discourse between the married couple who employed you. The home is beautiful, magnificent filled with grandeur the likes of which you could merely dream of owning. There is an army of staff always at work keeping the place looking perfect whilst on standby for either one of the employer's ridiculous requests. It is difficult for you to imagine how such a couple got together there are of course theories. Some say the lady is a whore who pursued the Baron, enchanting him with her charms to secure her fortune. You could see that, no matter what one could say about Baroness Von Hellman, she is a great beauty. Others say the Baron somehow tricked his lady wife into the marriage bed. Also possible, he is a weaselly nasty little man with a short temper and a habit of getting over-familiar with the female staff. Another rumor is that the two are an unfortunate product of a blue blood union set in place against their wishes. Also plausible, the two fight so much you can hardly imagine either of them willingly wanting to get together.

The Baron is shorter than his wife and his moustache seems to constantly be twitching like some horrid little rodent. He dresses in a standard gentlemanly way but at times it is a little sloppy due to his tendency to overindulge in German whisky. You've seen him being overly familiar with your fellow employees. That in itself is rather confusing when you see the beauty he is married to, then again beauty is no substitute for warmth, and the woman is an ice queen. The couple has more differences than similarities, and this proves opposites do not always attract. He likes to piss away his fortune he has no work ethic and often spends an evening at poker games with his "boys club". A select group of weak little men who toss dice without a care in the world throwing their money around like children. Not a handsome one amongst the bunch. The Baroness is a worker always focused on some new design, she barely sleeps and survives on power naps and nibbles of food to maintain her slender figure. She also has no friends or companions of any sort as far as you can tell. She talks at her staff, not to them, and she rages against her husband as he does her. The arguments stem from everything, his gambling, her lack of childbearing. The foundation of their marriage will likely remain a mystery.

Fortunately for you, the baron had two interests in his chosen women and you fit neither. He either likes his women fawning over him or afraid of him. You have no interest in him or his money, nor are you afraid of him, he bores you. The first time he had ever let a hand linger on you, you kept your eyes focused on his hand until he thought to remove it. You then fixed him with a bored withering look which annoyed him and he never bothered with you again. On one particular poker night, you overhear one of his friends ask him if he has enjoyed you. The baron snorts. 'That one? She's a bit queer for my taste I prefer my women to have a certain something, a...quality.' he offers. The baron's friend snorts in amusement. 'If you ask me she has two excellent qualities that make her attractive.' his group of friends laugh and you roll your eyes removing the empty glasses of whisky. Since then the baron preferred to have you removed from his company either doing other work or servicing his lady wife. That stopped any more uncomfortable questions jumping up about why he hadn't fucked the pretty maid. And honestly that suited you just fine.

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