27|Princess Ball|

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I entered the living room and found the Winx gathered there.

"Any news from Layla yet?" I inquired as I took a seat.

"No, nothing at all," replied Bloom.

"It's quite strange, isn't it? Layla seems to have vanished without a trace," remarked Flora.

"I'm starting to get worried. It's like she's disappeared off the face of the realm," added Bloom.

"Oh, don't be so glum, girls. I'm sure Layla is just caught up with something and will reach out soon. After all, she wouldn't miss the party of the century," chimed in Stella.

"But my birthday isn't... Oh, you meant your party," teased Bloom, pretending to forget as we chuckled.

"Obviously! My princess ball is tomorrow, remember?" Stella retorted playfully, prompting more laughter.

Stella playfully threw a pillow at Bloom, who retaliated with another toss, hitting Stella squarely in the face.

"Don't you dare do that again. Some things are too important to joke about, and my party is one of them," Stella scolded, her hat box bursting open to reveal fairy pets and Kiko.

"As for you, the answer is no. You can't come," Stella declared firmly, causing the pets to scamper away, except for Kiko, who buried his face in his hands.

"Are we all set?" Stella asked, arranging her hat box on her luggage.

"Is she packing for the whole century or something?" I joked.

"I'll catch up with you. We still have a few things to take care of here," said Musa.

"Just don't keep me waiting too long. Caia, get your bags, chop-chop. We don't have all day," Stella commanded, shrinking her luggage with a flick of her hand.

"Can't I just come on the day of the party? I have things to do," I protested halfheartedly.

"What things? Bloom is coming with me, and Helia will be at Red Fountain. You have no excuses,Also you're family." Stella countered.

With a sigh of defeat, I fetched my suitcase and returned to the living room.

"Ready to go, Bloom and Caia?" Stella asked, her ring transforming into her scepter.

"Solaria!" Stella exclaimed, and we were whisked away to the palace courtyard.

The sight was breathtaking, with the sun shining brightly.

"Solaria!" Stella cheered.

"Princess!" greeted a male voice behind us, revealing King Radius, Stella's father.

"Oh, Daddy!" Stella exclaimed, rushing to hug him.

A butler appeared and took my bags, prompting my thanks.

"Your luggage, Your Highness?" a butler asked Stella.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Be careful; they're quite delicate," Stella warned, enlarging her luggage and tossing it to the butler, burying him under the pile.

"Your Majesty," Bloom and I said, bowing slightly.

"Oh, please, just call me King Radius," he replied, amused by Stella's giggles.

"Caia, my dear niece, it's lovely to see you again. You've grown so much since the last time I saw you," King Radius remarked, ruffling my hair as I huffed.

"Bloom, you are most welcome here. Stella has told me so much about you both. Make yourselves at home," he added warmly.

"I'll do my best, even though my house is about a hundred rooms smaller," Bloom joked.

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