28| Fairy & Beast|

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Bloom leaped through the window to catch Stella just in time.

Then we heard, "GIRLS, HELP ME!" yelled Bloom.

We all flew to Stella and surrounded her. The magic shield wasn't working because of the dark magic in the rain.

We held Stella tight and safely brought her to the ground.

"Phew, we did it despite this crazy rain," said Musa.

"I know it was last minute and all, Stella, but how about a thank you for saving your life?" said Tecna.

"I almost wish you hadn't. Look at what happened to me," said Stella as she touched her monster-like face.

"Don't worry, Stella. We'll get you back to your old self, you'll see," said Bloom as she helped Stella back on her feet.

"Everyone talks about sunny Solaria, but no one mentions this dark rain thing," said Flora.

"I want to know who did this to me and why Solaria is getting rained on for the first time ever," said Stella.

"You'll find out, Stella. We'll help you," I said.

"ARE YOU GIRLS ALRIGHT?" We heard Brandon's voice and saw him and Sky running towards us.

"Oh no! Not now! I don't want Brandon to see me like this," said Stella as she hid behind a tree.

"Everything's alright?" asked Bloom as the boys finally arrived.

"Yeah, but we were really worried. Sure glad we found you," said Sky.

"The party was getting pretty crazy. What happened?" asked Brandon.

"Everything's okay now, so don't worry," said Tecna.

"So during the commotion, King Radius ordered the guards to arrest us," said Bloom.

"Impossible. He's Stella's father," said Brandon.

"Well, Stella couldn't do anything because of my uncle, and the guards were under some kind of spell," I explained.

"We don't know how it all happened. The guards started to chase us, so we ran away. We didn't have any other choice," explained Flora.

"They cornered us in the aviary tower, and from there, we were able to fly down, so we're here," finished Musa.

"Uh, are you telling us everything?" asked Sky suspiciously.

"Where did Stella go?" asked Brandon.

"The guards!" exclaimed Musa as a shot hit Sky.

"Sky, hold on!" Bloom shouted as she started running to her boyfriend, but Tecna stopped her.

"No, Bloom, don't. They can make it on their own. We've got to get Stella out of here," said Tecna.

Tecna gave something to Bloom, a device.

"Sky, you and Brandon run to the ship. Here, catch," said Bloom as she threw the device to Sky.

"We'll send you our coordinates so you can come and pick us up," added Bloom.

"Are they gone yet?" asked Stella as she peeked from behind the tree.

"They are keeping the guards busy," I replied.

"Good. Let them distract the guards. I know a secret way out of here. Follow me," said Stella as she started walking into the woods.

We followed her, but then they released the hounds, and they started chasing us.

"It's no use trying to use magic against them. It won't work in this rain," said Bloom.

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