Home again or Hope again?

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Bella sat on a tree stump with the wing blowing through her feathers thinking about that competing bluebird. She had offered some advice before she had left but "Birdy" wouldn't take it as others had. That was a stupid place to nest because she'd seen children before bang on that fence with sticks which would frighten young off the nest too soon. Or maybe SHE was just too picky.

Suddenly she remembered a cavity that used to be her favorite place back in her yard and decided to check it out. Soon she found herself in a familiar yard with lots of trees and open spaces and a beautiful pond that glistened in the sunlight. When she was near her spot, Mrs. Bluejay spotted her and flew off, calling away. 

Everywhere birds heard the racket and gathered by Meeting Rock. By the time everyone was there Bella had already seen her spot, decided it wasn't good enough, and had flown to the rock where everybody was wondering why they were called there. 

"Hello everyone," Bella said. This is what Mrs. Bluejay was excited about, me." There were a few "Oh my," and "She survived!" until Miss Waxwing asked, "What is he having you do now?" 

 "Well he is having me build the best nest in the place and I'm trying to find the best place right now." "Ooh, have you ever seen a nestbox?" chirped Bella's sister-in-law. "Yes, but what is it?" "It's a safe wooden box to nest in that isn't stuffy." said a chickadee. "Yeah, the best ones around are Sir Bluebird's," Miss Red-breasted nuthatch said.  "Okay, thanks!" and Bella was gone.

"Well she has become very rude!" a goldfinch huffed, flashing his bright feathers. "Yeah," agreed his mate, "I wanted to ask about Harrison's tussle with her." 

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