Chapter 5 I am Still Alive and I am Alone Here

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I had survived being a werewolf cowboy outlaw and now I have survived being shot down by Inspector Pat Garrett. But I know that I will never find love. Because my being a werewolf cowboy outlaw won't let me find love and get married.

Wedding bells will never ring for me. I will spend my life alone. I hope that maybe one day there will be a cure for werewolves everywhere. Even werewolves cowboys outlaws.

Even a man who is pure at heart and says his prayers by night can become a wolf when the wolfsbane blooms and the moon is full and bright.

I wonder if those that are sleeping in the ground are not disturbed by the throbbing sound of a one way path to eternity enclosed in my room I speak to the quietness breaking the silence enclosed in my room I speak to the quietness but no one replies a single tear falling a sad remembrance of the night that she was told voices of the night echoed by the winds of time can you not hear them?

I remember the day that I was attacked by something or someone. It changed my life forever. I wish that I was like Quentin Collins from dark shadows and be cured by my portrait being painted.

But sadly it is not like that there is no cure for being a werewolf cowboy outlaw. But maybe one day there will be

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