In the begining

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 Jericho was a poor boy deprived of his parents during the events of ww2. Life on the streets was all he now knew.

Stove was a rich boy who lived in the biggest house on top of the biggest hill overlooking the town. He had everything except his freedom which his parents deprived him of.

Jericho and Stive both had one thing in common, they wanted an adventure.


Life on the streets meant having very little. He had to steal to eat, he had to use newspaper for blankets so he wouldn't freeze in the night and even though there were lots of other kids forced on the streets after WW2 he never made friends with any of them, for he felt different from the rest of them. He wanted an adventure he wanted to escape, the rest of them wanted to stay safe inside the city walls. All the other kids said it was too dangerous and he was to be caught but he ignored there words and packed up the little stuff he had and he ran.


I had everything I could possibly need and want but there was one thing I had that I didn't want. CONTROLLING PARENTS!

When I asked to go to town they said no and for extra precaution they locked me in my room. For fourteen years this had been the case and I have had enough of my rich stupid parents so I grabbed my bag and stuffed it with food, my drawing stuff and left.

The adventures of Jherico and StiveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin