DAwn of a new day or some sh**

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Ok so I have a right to question this guy. First of all I don't know him, second of all he is probably one of those posh rich brats by the look of his clothes, and third he had guards chasing him so I assumed he had committed war crime or some shit. I learned the hard way to be careful of rich posh brats. When I was a child some men in nice clothes came to our house and told us that they had the same place for us to go for the duration of world war 2. We were jews so we thought we could trust them, so we packed our stuff and went with the men. After a few days we finally got to the place. It was a camp and there were a few other jews there. They looked sad and I told my parents but they just told me that they were tired after all these years of war so we settled in thinking that we will live here for the rest of the war, worry free. One day I saw a little mouse and I chased it out of the house outside of the campgrounds and into the forest. The mouse ran into a small hole under a tree and that's when I heard a big boom. I fell to the ground, the ground was still shaking but I somehow got up and half ran and half fell to the ground. When I got to the camp there was debris everywhere! I saw blood and guts and pieces of bodies scattered around the place. And I saw some nazis in uniform walking around inspecting everything and that's when I saw the bodies of my parents. My dads arm had been ripped off in the explosion and my mum had blood all over her, her head was hanging on my thread. I was so mortified I ran. I didn't even know where I was going but I knew that everywhere was better than there. That's when I got the doc, I jumped on a boat and it set off to...I don't even know! All I knew was that I was going away somewhere better than here.

I was on that boat for several weeks and when I got off, it was night time. I stumbled out of the boat and ran as far inland as possible. I then found a small town in Louisiana where I found some food and water and settled down and that's where I lived for the next 10 years of my life.

"No, I'm just running away from my parents, they were so controlling." I snapped back to life and realized that that Stive character was still here.

"What? Oh sorry I was just thinking about something."

"Oh, Ok then. As I said my name's Stive and I used to live in that house on the hill." He pointed at the big house on the big hill.

"It looks more like a palace." I said. "Ehh, Sure. SO where are you going?" He asked. "Anywhere but here. I want to go out and have an adventure, maybe go to the amazon rainforest or maybe even go to the grand canyon." Stive just looked at me like I was a lunatic.


This guy wanted to travel the world! He wanted to go to the grand canyon! I wanted an adventure but I just thought about going to Colorado. "What are you looking at?" He said in a quite hostile way. "It's just... you want to go to some of the most famous places in the world, all I thought about was going to maybe another state. "Well I've had enough of people, I want to go somewhere where people don't usually go. I want to live in the rain forest or walk through the grand canyon." It was silent for a little while before I brought up the question that I was wondering. "Where is this truck going?" "I don't really know, I was just going to wait for it to stop and jump off and look for the rain forest or the grand canyon, I mean one is a really big forest and the other is a big bunch of rocks." I just looked at him, he really doesn't know much. "You can't just start blindly walking around looking for a giant forest, you have to actually find a map and get on a train or a boat to get to some of those places." Jericho gave an annoyed huff and turned away from me. I feeling passed through me, it was i think a feeling of deep sadness like I had really upset him and that made me really sad. I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around, in the free seconds that he had turned around he had quite a few tears running down his face. I really wanted to hug him because it looked like he hadn't been hugged in years but at the same time he looked like the type of person who hated to me hugged. "Hey, I'm really sorry it's just that it is quite hard to find some of those places,(And that when I had an idea) HEY what about if I help you find these places? I've always wanted a friend and I have a map and a compass and some money so we can take a train or a boat if you want?" Jericho had a confused look on his face but then he realized what I was talking about. "That would be amazing!" He said enthusiastically.

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