2 ✧Strangers ✧

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I didn't expect the place to look the way it does. I knew it was kind of underground but that's also all I knew. We drove pretty far until we found a place the park the car. Joon knew the way, he always does. We followed a road amongst the woods as it got darker and darker while the music started sounding louder and louder. Suddenly behind the woods there seems to be some kind of old warehouse peeking out.

The two men standing outside gave me and Joon a weird look but still let us in with no issues.

The music's loud as usual. I can feel the heat rising to my face, as everyone is dancing and jumping around, my heart beating in the same rhythm at the base.

Why am I here? I don't even know how to answer that myself. I've never had an interest in people or alcohol nonetheless lovers and people having sex wherever whenever.

I follow Joon through the main party place in the warehouse. Joon pulls up a beer from his bag and hands it to me as he finds a couch to sit on. The couch didn't look very sanitary but fuck it, im here to live life to the fullest and if that means getting some sex disease from a dirty couch at a warehouse party then fuck it, let it be!

Joon is pretty popular around women. Don't ask me why because I have no clue what kind of magic he has in his balls but these women keep swimming in our direction as if we were more cheap alcohol for them to consume.

I don't really enjoy women that much. People who know me assume that I'm some kind of player although that's far from the truth. I wanna be able to enjoy the company of someone in both a sexual, romantic and physical way but without any strings attached. Just for one night.
I can do that with women, men too. But I would much rather spend my night getting intimate with a boy. Just preference I guess.
But being with a man like Joon doesn't make my mission of finding another man to talk any easier, being the lady magnet he is.


"Ladies, will you excuse me for a moment while me and my dear friend find some drinks?" Joon is trying to make his voice deeper and it's very clear but somehow that works for him. These women most have been drinking way too much before they got here.

Me and Joon already finished the 6 pack of beers we had brought with us and decided to go look for some more. It's only been a few hours and I don't even know what the time is but the warehouse is getting more and more crowded as we make our way to a sketchy looking bar.

"Two beers, thank you!" Joon says still making his voice deeper.

"And can you send some drinks their way?"
Joon says pointing at the girls over at the couch we were sitting at before. Joon just got paid but I'm starting to realize why he never has any money by the end of the month.

I look around the room, I like to be aware of my surroundings and analyze the people here. Some people I've seen before in music class at school. It's pretty rare you see music students at parties. I also see other people who look familiar but probably because they go to my school but in another major.

I looked around some more trying to figure out what to do from here when someone caught my eye.

"Damn..." is all Joon lets out as I realized he noticed the guy too. He is around my height with dark, almost black hair. He has a brown sweater on and baggy blue jeans, a fairly attractive guy.

As soon as he entered the room he had caught all the girls' attention. From what I can tell he's a little shy but it seems to be why he's so charming... I feel weirdly drawn to him.

"Do you know him?" I asked Joon, who is still standing next to me at the bar.

"Nope, I've actually never seen him before" after hearing Joon say that I got quite intrigued.

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