The First 'Dream' (4/4)

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The hair on Cassandra's neck stood on end- each hair warning her of danger. In the short span of an hour that she had spent in this place, a place that felt cold and unwelcoming she had come to the chilling realization that she was the only human. The abrupt appearance of a blonde-haired boy rattled her deeply. He couldn't possibly be human- he had to be some sort of entity, like the rats. creatures that seemed to be the only other inhabitants of this lifeless place.

The young boy had disheveled blonde hair- like the dead grass of her yard, pale brown eyes that seemed to move every second, and almond-toned skin. Dark circles were obvious beneath his half-closed eyes- almost as dark as the shadows that crawled through the garage. He wore blue shorts and a brown sweater, with a purple bag on his back. The boy also wore striped socks- black and white like a zebra's stripes, and worn-out black shoes, holding a baseball bat limply in one hand as if it was a forgotten toy rather than a weapon.

Cassandra took a shaky breath, her lungs burned as if she was breathing in water, waiting to see what the boy would do- he seemed to be looking for whatever- or whoever the rats had been hunting. After what felt like hours- hours filled with the deafening silence of anticipation, he finally disappeared further into the garage, leaving Cassandra hidden within the hollow ceiling- her heart beating loudly in her chest "oh god..." Cassandra whispered, taking a shaky breath as she slowly climbed down the pillar, the butt of the flashlight between her teeth yet again "I need to get out of here" she mumbled slinging the bag back over her shoulder and taking another deep breath- wincing at the rancid scent the rats had left behind. Cassandra tucked the flashlight into her pocket beside the knife, finding comfort in the weight in her pocket- a weight that felt like her only other connection to reality. 

Out of the corner of her eye Cassandra noticed an exit sign with a soft green glow, all the other ones she had seen were red- 'was that the mark that the notebook mentioned?' she questioned silently. Walking in the direction the sign pointed to. One green sign after another Cassandra walked through the now silent garage- into the building and back into the hallway of doors. Each one having a sign with a different color green on it, all of the doors were still locked yet Cassandra still tried to open each one- her hands shaking with each failed attempt, eventually coming to the end of the hallway where there were two unlocked doors.

One with a yellowish sign and another with a 'lime' green sign, she hesitated- what would happen if she chose the wrong door? Cassandra squinted, looking closely at both doors. Recognizing a pink sticker on the doorknob of one of the doors and lightly touching it- that sticker was the same one as the one inside the closet of her room, a sticker that looked like a forgotten memory of somebody else, pushing the door open she was welcomed by the eerily familiar set up of her 'bedroom', a room that looked abandoned and bare.

Cassandra took a step into the room, her foot landing on the carpet with a soft thud, hesitantly looking around for a moment before fully entering the room- the door suddenly slamming shut with some force, a force that felt like a gust of wind. Cassandra yelped, the sound echoing in the silent room, turning and pulling at the knob- the door swung open, but it wasn't the dark hallway on the other side... rather it was just her almost empty closet, the clothes hanging exactly where she left them, and the single grey suitcase that was tucked in the corner was still there too- having not moved an inch since she last saw it, a suitcase that looked like a relic of a barely forgotten journey- Its fabric worn and its wheels broken from years of use. 

Cassandra felt her knees buckle, leaning back against the wall she sunk to the ground and whimpered. The realization of the situation crushing her like a thousand pounds on her chest- 

That wasn't a dream.


Dream 1 is finally over! what do you guys think? is there anything i should change within the dream? i hope you guys liked this chapter! i had a lot of fun writing it :3



754 words

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