The First 'Dream' (3/?)

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"What was that..." Cassandra muttered, picking up the flashlight she dropped and clicking it back on. Gasping loudly as she came face-to-face with a dozen rat like creatures, her eyes widening fearfully as she stared at the massive rodents.

Gripping the flashlight firmly, Cassandra turned and ran, her once light footsteps now heavy and loud on the cold ground. The rats were close on her heels as she attempted to put distance between them, forgetting the warning in the notebook—these 'rats' enjoy the thrill of the chase. They were quite literally designed to chase, pursuing their prey until it becomes exhausted enough for the rats to capture it.

As she rounded a corner, she spotted an old wooden door. Without hesitation, Cassandra lunged for it, her shoulder slamming against the rotting wood. It creaked open, revealing a metal staircase leading downwards. Cassandra didn't hesitate. She descended, her flashlight flickering as she moved deeper into the darkness.

The rats followed, their claws grinding against the slick metal, the surface too smooth for them to grip onto. Tumbling over each other while they scrambled down, screeching and hissing at Cassandra as more and more distance opened between her and the eye-less rodents. Cassandra threw herself down the last steps, her ankles burning as she landed roughly on the ground and squeezed through a sliding glass door- forcing it shut before the rats could catch up.

The door wouldn't hold them off for long; the rodents' size and strength were enough to break it down. Gasping for breath, Cassandra continued, darting through the underground garage as her body urged her to stop for rest. With sweat coating her skin and the hairs on her neck standing- she eyed a slender pillar reaching to the ceiling. Stuffing the butt of the flashlight in her mouth and wedging her fingers into the crevices, she hauled herself up, lifting her small body to the top and hiding within the damp scent of the ceiling. Taking the flight light and holding a hand to her chest Cassandra took deep, shaky breaths- her heart beating loudly in her chest. 

It was only a few moments before loud- ear piercing shrieks filled the silence, the rat-like creatures trampling over each other as they desperately tried to catch onto Cassandra's scent. Thier 'paws' scraping against the ground loudly- some of them covered in their own blood from the glass, others still had shards in the very few tufts of fur they had on their bodies. Cassandra pressed her hand over her mouth, attempting to take quieter breaths as tears stung her eyes, were they going to find her? what would happen if they did? Was this really all a dream? 

Tears bubbled down Cassandra's face, the salty liquid getting onto her hands and neck. She was terrified, her other hand gripping onto a pipe tightly- her knuckles a pale white color from how tight she held it. Closing her eyes tightly she rubbed her nose with the back of her hand, sniffling quietly as heavy tears dripped down her chin and neck onto her shirt. 

There was the sound of glass shattering from somewhere within the garage, the rats' attention focusing on the source of the sound as they all scrambled away to find it- their screeches and yowls going silent as they started the new hunt. The quiet pitter-patter of bare feet only a moment later caught Cassandra's attention, her heavy breathing falling silent as she held her breath. Scanning the ground below her for what made the sounds, a bright tuft of blonde hair catching her eyes. Cassandra hesitated, licking her dry lips and taking a deep breath before letting out a quiet "Hello...?" 

The blonde tuft of hair twisted to her direction, pale brown eyes flicking around as the boy looked for her. Cassandra felt her stomach twist, pushing herself farther into the damp darkness of the ceiling- A sensation of gut-wrenching fear settled over her, forcing Cassandra to swallow back the acidic feeling in her throat as she realized.

She wasn't alone anymore.




I hope you guys enjoy!! it took me a little while to get this out due to low motivation and the fact that i had gotten a bit sick!! sorry that its a bit of a short chapter i thought this was a good spot to leave it off!



738 words

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