Awake (1/1)

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Cassandra was shaken from her sleep by a small girl. When had she dozed off? She hummed softly, looking at the girl. The girl had dark hair and deep brown eyes- her skin was mainly a pale tone with patches of a darker shade - she had vitiligo. She was dressed in a pink top and white leggings with tiny grey cats drawn on them - her hair was styled in braids that were decorated with pink and white ribbons.

"Mmm... g' morning Norah," Cassandra mumbled, rubbing her eye as she sat upright and stretched, "what time is it?" She asked in a low voice, picking up the little girl and heading towards the kitchen.

"Uhm I... I Dunno!" Norah chirped cheerfully, cuddling into Cassandra, "Mama told me to wake you up! The pretty man is- The pretty man is back again," she played with Cassandra's hair, twirling it around her fingers and watching as it sprang back when she let go of it, "She told me to... to tell you to uh... get tell you to get...get..." Norah's voice faded, her nose wrinkling as she struggled to find the right words.

"Did she say to get ready?" Cassandra yawned, walking past a woman with black hair and a man with light brown hair, setting Norah down on the couch, "Behave yourself, okay? I'm going to chat with the grown-ups" Cassandra returned to the two adults seated at the table, "Morning Miss White... morning Mat," she mumbled as she took a seat.

"Morning Cassandra" Mat smiled, sliding a coffee over to her before continuing "as i was saying-..." Mats voice faded out to a soft buzz in Cassandras ears as she sipped on her coffee, staring at nothing as the two adults buzzed on and on about something she didn't care enough about to listen.

Before Cassandra knew it, two hours had slipped away. Her coffee was gone, and despite the caffeine boost, fatigue was setting in. Cassandra and Mat were already in the process of packing up her things, with Cassandra appearing to be in a world of her own.

Cassandra sighed as she neatly arranged her clothes into her worn suitcase. She had taken a shower, leaving her hair damp and heavy. "Mat, do we have any idea how long I'll be at the next place?" she asked, tossing a charger into her suitcase. "I need to know if I should plan on buying anything." She draped her headphones around her neck and attempted to close the suitcase, the old zipper was giving her trouble as usual.

"I can't know for sure, but I don't think you'll be there as long as you were here," Mat replied, reaching over to help her with the stubborn zipper. "And remember, I'll cover any expenses you might have. I've told you this multiple times already," he added, playfully ruffling her wet hair.

This was the third foster home Cassandra had been placed in over the past two years, and she had been living here for almost a year. The thought of leaving was bittersweet, but she had grown used to the cycle of moving from one home to another every few months. In the eight years she had been in the foster care system, she had been placed in at least 17 different homes.

"We should get going soon, were supposed to be there for 9:30 and it's like a two-hour drive" Mat picked up the suitcase effortlessly "ill bring this to the car, you get the rest of your stuff together in that bag alright?" He hummed, walking out into the kitchen- The rainbow lanyard that hung from his belt swinging loosely, the keys attached to it clicking together loudly.

"kay" Cassandra sighed, yawning as she folded up a pink blanket and placed it into the black and purple bag along with a couple of stuffed animals and other things. Zipping the bag shut and slinging it over her shoulder, Cassandra held a small stuffed cat in her hand- leaning down to Norah and hugging her "I'm going to go away for a while alright? can you watch mister smokey for me?" she asked softly, handing Norah the grey and white stuffed animal.

Norah grabbed the stuffed cat and nodded, clearly confused on where Cassandra was going "are you going to a sleep- are you going to a sleepover with the pretty man?" she tilted her head, the neat braids in her hair slipping to one side "when are you comin- coming back?"

"Yeah, just a sleepover" Cassandra mumbled, gently ruffling Norahs hair and saying her goodbyes to Miss white before walking out to the car, dropping her bag into the back seats and climbing into the passenger seat. "hey.." Cassandra uttered quietly, connecting her headphones to her phones Bluetooth and disappearing into the music. 


i hope you guys liked this chapter!!! i know its mostly filler but this might be important in the future if everything goes how i planned!!!




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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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