Chapter <3>

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The bright light from the sun illuminated on my face making me groan and turn to the other side.
"Oh my good God! Six years! I am still the one that has gotta wake you up every morning.How is it so hard to do that by yourself?"a voice grumbled and I groaned burying my face in my pillow.
My bed dipped and I felt a hand shook me not so gently. "Wake the fuck up sleepyhead. You have got an interview later today"she screamed into my ear making me pout.
I opened my eyes slowly and squinted to adjust to the bright light.
"Finally! That wasn't so fucking hard, was it?"she gave me a fake smile and I rolled my eyes.
"Don't you think it's too early to be swearing?" I mumbled and let out a yawn. I didn't bother covering my mouth since it was just annoying Olive.
"Don't swallow me fucking pig. And I can swear anytime I fucking want"she deadpanned and I sighed.
I got up from my bed and walked towards my bathroom.
"I think I prefer the timid and shy girl I met years ago. Not this cursed version of her" I shouted and quickly locked the door behind.
"Fuck you! I hate you! Fuck you hundred times"her annoying voice reached me as I squirted toothpaste on my brush.
"Go do that to Ian girl" I shouted back and was replied with a loud bang on my bathroom door.
This girl is crazy like that.
I love how much she has really grown. Like she has completely come out of her shell. The girl that couldn't even speak without stuttering now cusses every damn  time. I smiled knowing I saved her.
I am really glad I did.
I took off my clothes and got into the small bath tub.
I massaged my shampoo into my scalp gently and washed it off later.
I took a long relaxing bath before getting out. I wrapped a towel around my body and my hair. I applied my lotion and other skincare products I use.
A girl has gotta learn to take care of herself. Maintain her skin and all.
I walked out of my bathroom quietly hoping the crazy girl has left.
I breathed a sigh of relief before heading to my wardrobe.
I changed into a black sweatshirt and matching sweatpants.
I decided on the clothes to wear for the interview.
I picked out a navy blue button down shirt and a pencil skirt stopping just above my knee. I decided to finish the look with my three inch heel.
I put on my crocs and headed outside.
I saw her sitting at the dining munching away a plate of toast and coffee.
I settled across her and she plastered her dirtiest glare on.
Oh my God!
"Did you make some for me?" I asked lacing my fingers on the table.
She scoffed and pointed to the kitchen counter. I smiled and got up.
I saw a plate of toast and made my coffee just the way I like it.
"I love you girl" I smiled as I settled back on the seat.
She puffed and continued ignoring me.
I rolled my eyes at her childishness and decided not to say anything.
I took a bite of my toast and sipped my coffee. "What time is it?"she asked finally broke the silence and I looked at her understanding what she was implying.
"Noon"she nodded and got up.
She placed her dish in the dishwasher. I was so excited when we were finally able to afford that.
This place is our home, we decorated every inch of it together.
"I wish the best of luck even though you are the worst"she mumbled and I snorted.
"Worst?"I frowned and she smirked.
"Yeah! Any problem?" I gave her my best fake smile and she had the nerve to giggle. What is so funny?
"Jokes aside. I want you to whoop asses at the interview. Your car isn't back so how are you going to get there?"
"There is something called TAXI and UBER" I smirked.
"So much for trying to be nice. I am leaving now"she rushed out and grabbed her bag in the process.
"Have a nice day" I called out. She turned back trying to muster a glare but a traitorous smile appeared on her face.
"You too even though I hate you"I chuckled and she walked out.
I can't imagine this place without her. I wouldn't stop her if she decides to live with Ian.
I sighed and picked up my plates. I put it into the dishwasher and watched it operate. I placed the plates back on the rack and headed to my room.
I put on the selected clothes and settled in my vanity chair. I put my hair in a high ponytail to stop it from distracting me during the interview. I dusted my face with powder and applied eyeliner and my pink matte lipstick.
I quickly put on my heels and grabbed a small shoulder bag I already put all the necessary things in.
I ordered an Uber and waited outside for it to arrive.
It honked announcing its arrival and I entered. I greeted the man politely and stared out.
I need to get this job, scratch that, I MUST get this job.
I am tired of being jobless. It's boring to stay home alone.
The car stopped when the traffic light turned red making me stare up at the Times Square.
My heart skipped a beat. It literally froze.
I kept staring at the image shown on the big screen unable to comprehend it.
Oh my God!
I blinked few times and stared at it again.
The car started moving but my mind couldn't stop replaying the image over and over again.
Emiliano Bianchi is BACK in New York.
"Welcome to the news at ten. I am Simon Pussy. The main headline of today is about the youngest and richest billionaire, bachelor in Italy would arrived in New York about a few hours ago. He was spotted coming out of his private jet with his nine year old niece Adriana Bianchi. The young billionaire hasn't stepped foot into New York since the incident that happened six years ago. We are all curious to know why he came back to Italy. To the next headline_" I tuned out of the radio conversation not believing this. After so long, he is here.
But why?!
He hasn't reached out to me in all these years. We were the IT, that was the least he could have done.
"Ma'am, we are here"the driver's voice came up and I snapped out of it.
I looked around realizing I haven't gotten to the location.
I smiled at him as if thanking him and got out. I stared at the building and took deep breath trying to concentrate on the reason I am here.
It feels fucking hard!
I can't stop thinking about him.
Does he also feel this way?
I sighed and exhaled.
The interview is more important.
I entered the building and walked to the receptionist corner.
"Good morning, I am here for the interview" I smiled a little and the girl smiled back.
Thank God! I can't handle a bitch so early in the morning.
"Your name please?"she asked and I told her. "Enter the elevator and press the 25th floor. Good luck"
"Thank you" I gave a small smile even though my thoughts are still going haywire. I pressed the said floor and fiddled with my fingers.
He is really here!
I closed my eyes and groaned.
Focus Stephanie!
I dusted my clothes and walked out of the elevator. I told the receptionist my name settled with the other applicants.
I fiddled with my fingers nervous about this. I am scared because I am hoping this news wouldn't affect me.
It's hard to not think about it.
He is here!
In flesh!
After so long.
Sydney too, I have really missed her. I couldn't really see her face in that image but his face would haunt me for the rest of my life. He didn't look different from all the pictures posted over the years.
He was still the same golden boy in high school. Just got manlier and sexier.
"Miss Stephanie Walker"a voice said loudly and I got up from my seat.
The receptionist scowled and pointed to the door. "I don't know what you are thinking. I called your name four times. If you know you don't need this job, then get out. Don't waste anybody's time"she grumbled and I decided to ignore her.
I am sure CCTV cameras are probably installed here and I don't need her to ruin my chances of getting the job.
I knocked and walked in after hearing come in.
Three people were seated around a table with a poker face.
"Good morning"I said and the middle aged woman gave me a warm smile.
She gestured for me to take a seat and I did. "Miss Stephanie Walker, I must say your qualifications are quite impressive. You have worked in five reputable companies in just two years and we are really curious to know why"the same woman said and I sighed in my head.
"Actually the working environment weren't really conducive for me" I replied not knowing how else to answer that.
I could write an epistle about my old bosses behavior but that isn't really needed here.
He is in New York.
Would he be excited to see me?
Would I be able to see him?
Did he think about me all these years?
Was he going crazy without me like I was doing?
How many girls has he gotten with after me? I can really conclude they are a lot from the pictures.
I am his stalker!
Would we continue from where we left it?
I doubt if Sydney still remembers me.
That little bubble of sunshine.
Someone knocked on the table and I looked up.
Man did they look impressed?
I zoned out of an Interview?!
"I asked you a question"the man at the right said with a scowl.
"Can it be repeated?" I gave a nervous smile and they shook their heads at me.
"You can leave now, we will get back to you"the youngest man said and I stood up. It's pointless to beg for another chance. It's so damn obvious I wasn't going to get a callback.
Damn him for messing with my thoughts.
I walked out and quickly ordered a Uber.
I rushed out of the building and massaged my temple feeling an headache coming up. My head is blowing up with so many questions, doubts.
I am really curious to know how he is going to react when he sees me.
I entered the cab and ignored the driver. I closed my eyes as the car started moving.
What if... No! No!
He can't deny me right?
All we shared can't all be for nothing.
Ashnie couldn't be dead right.
I opened my eyes and stared out trying to take my mind of him.
This isn't a dream right?!
I don't even know how to feel now.
Happy? Sad? Excited? Indifferent? Nervous?
I need help. I don't feel normal, I aren't normal.
"We are here" I forced a smile for the driver and stepped out.
I unlocked the door and headed to my room. I removed my heels and fell to my bed. I buried my face into my pillow and screamed so many times.
He might have not thought of me in these past few years. A lone tear escaped my eyes at that.
I sighed and rolled to the right side. I got out and headed to the corner.
I trailed my hand around the painting remember the day he gave it to me.
It was perfect. Our three month anniversary. He was the perfect boyfriend I could ever ask for.
He treated me so well and took me back when I broke us apart because of my foolishness. I almost lost the best thing in my life.
All our memories kept creeping into my head and I couldn't help the smile and tears at the same time.
Stanford was our agreement.
Studying in the same college was our dream before it crashed.
Why did all that have to happen?
Why did I have to be so unfortunate?
I cried for my loss.
For not being able to get him out of my mind.
For zoning out in this interview.
For the fact that just the mention of his name and his image sent my heart skyrocketing.
I am a wimp for him.
I rested my head on the edge of my bed still staring at the painting.
"I already knocked on her door several times but she isn't opening. Do you think I should invite someone to break it? What if she hurt herself? I am so scared"
I opened my eyes and let out a yawn.
"She is in there. Our neighbor saw her come in and said she hasn't come out since then"it really sounded like Olive's voice and she sounded worried.
I sighed knowing she is talking about me.
I grabbed my phone expecting to see a message from him. A little 'I am back'  would brighten up my mood.
A girl can only hope.
I only saw lots of messages and missed calls from my friends.
I am sure they have all heard the news and needed to know how I was coping.
I blinked and got up. Can't believe I cried because of him.
Damn him!
More annoyed that he doesn't know my little emotional moment.
I opened the door and Olive looked up with a relieved look.
"She is out. She doesn't look fine" I pouted at that and she ran her hand through her hair.
"I will talk to you guys later"she put her phone in her pocket and approached me.
She opened her arms and I wrapped my hands around her.
"He is back"I whispered.
"I know, we know. We read the news. How do you feel?"
"Emotional. He didn't even text me making me think he has totally forgotten about me" I croaked out trying so hard to not breakdown again.
"He might be busy. There is no way he can forget about you. Your relationship then wasn't something that could be easily forgotten. A lot of things happened to him so he must still be healing"I nodded and pulled away.
"Did he come to your office?"I asked and she shook her head.
I sighed and walked to the kitchen. I was feeling hungry after not eating anything except breakfast.
"What do you want to do?"
"I want to make dinner" I asked looking into the fridge for ingredients.
"Do you need help?" I shook my head and took out the needed ingredient.
"I am going to go change"she said making me finally notice her outfit.
She was still in her work clothes meaning she was really worried about me.
I moved to her and hugged her briefly. "You are a really good friend" I smiled and she mirrored my expression.
"I still hate you"she huffed and I giggled.
"Of course" I said sarcastically and she scoffed. "Whatever"she grumbled and walked out.
I decided to make lasagna.
I should take Advil after because I could still feel the slight pound of my head.
Damn him once again!
He better be feeling as awful as this or else.
Please just do!

He is back.
              Press that little star

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