To save Sudevi

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As Radha and her mother head to Sudevi's house the next morning for her haldi ceremony, Radha finds herself unable to shake off thoughts of the previous day's events.

Upon arrival, she observes Sudevi seated in the center, surrounded by loved ones applying haldi, while Sudevi gives polite smile at them. As Kirthidha applies haldi to Sudevi, she motions for Radha to join in next.

Radha hesitates midway with her hands dipped in the haldi as Krishn and Balram, accompanied by Bhairav, make their entrance.

Kirthidha chuckles and asks, "What are you guys doing at a women's function?" Krishn responds, "Well, Sudevi is our friend too, and we were quite curious about this ritual."

Sudevi, noticing Bhairav's emotional state, feels overwhelmed and anxious. She stands up abruptly, saying, "I'm tired." Sudevi's mother reassures her, saying, "It's alright, dear. The ritual is over. You can rest for the remainder of the day and join us directly for the wedding rituals tonight."

Sudevi nods silently and retreats to her room. Radha, observing Sudevi's emotions, feels a pang of sadness but chooses to stay behind. Bhairav wipes his tears and quietly exits the house.

Radha approaches Krishn with a troubled expression and expresses, "You were wrong to bring Bhairav here, Krishn. Don't you care about Sudevi's feelings? She's already upset, and by bringing Bhairav here, you only made things worse for both of them. You've disappointed me." With those words, she turns and leaves the house. Krishn follows after her, calling, "Radha, please wait. Let me explain," but she ignores him and continues walking towards her house.

Krishn's sudden question about the story of Lakshminarayan catches Radha's attention, causing her to pause. With a smile, Krishn approaches her and asks, "Should I tell you?" Radha hesitates for a moment but eventually gives in, saying, "Alright, go on."

"Not here. Come," Krishn suggests, taking her hand and leading her into the forest. He finds a secluded spot, where they both sit down, facing each other, ready to hear the tale.

Krishn asks Radha, "Did you understand the moral of the story of Matsya Avtar?" Radha shakes her head, indicating her lack of understanding.

With a sweet smile, Krishn reassures her, "It's alright, you'll understand soon. But for now, it's time for another story, another avatar: Kurma Avatar."

Krishn continues the tale, "Once, Sage Durvasa, angered with Indra, cursed the Devas, leading to the loss of Devi Lakshmi. This curse resulted in the separation of Vishnu and Lakshmi. Years passed, yet the pain of their separation lingered.

However, Narayan learned that Devi Lakshmi resided in the ocean and could only be obtained through the churning of the ocean. Both Narayan and Mahadev convinced the Devas and Asuras to undertake the Samudra Manthan, appealing to their greed for the Amrit, the immortal elixir.

They selected Mount Mandara as the churning rod, with Vasuki, the serpent king, serving as the rope. Narayan then assumed the form of Kurma Avatar and lifted the mountain on his back to support the churning.

 Narayan then assumed the form of Kurma Avatar and lifted the mountain on his back to support the churning

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