Chapter 74

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Y/n's POV

Dad and Zancrow were fighting, landing hit after hit on each other while talking, egging each other on to do better. "Careful Natsu." Wendy said.

"Kick his ass, dad!" I shouted. 

"He'll be fine cause the enemy doesn't stand a chance when he's all fired up like he is right now." Happy said. 

"But his attacks have had no effect. Who is that fiend?" Carla asked.

"He just referred to himself as a god slayer, but I'm not sure if that's really his power or if he's just talk tough." Lily said. 

"No, I think he might be." Sapphire said. I balled my hands into fists before turning around and facing Wendy and the others. I started using my water magic to start healing the four of them while Zancrow was introducing himself. "Y/n? What are you doing? You shouldn't be wasting magic on healing us. We'll be fine." Wendy said.

"Right now, it's best if we have even one extra person at full strength. This might turn into a long, drawn out battle with Grimoire Heart." I explained, continuing to heal them. Zancrow mentioned that the Balam Alliance knew about dad because of the destruction he caused. "The Balama Alliance? Care to explain?" Lily asked, turning to Happy. 

"Aye, sir. They're bad guys who banded together to wreak havoc." Happy explained.

"Yes. Grimoire Heart, Oracion Seis, and Tartaros joined forces to create a coalition of dark guilds." Carla added.

"Our coalition of light guilds was able to defeat the Oracion Seis, but I don't know about beating Grimoire Heart. I mean, they're the strongest member of the Balam Alliance. We don't stand a chance." Wendy said. I looked at her before gently hitting her in the head. "Come on, where's the belief you always have in us?" I asked. Wendy held where I gently hit her head before nodding. "You're right, Zuli. We can beat them." Wendy said. I nodded and continued treating each of them. Zancrow and dad were continuing to go back and forth on who was the better wizard. "You really think I give a crap? Dragons are just flying lizards. Wanna ask this guy if he has any magic?" Zancrow asked, holding up a small lizard from the island. I growled as I turned and looked at Zancrow. "Hey man! Igneel's not a freaking lizard!" Dad shouted.

"Yeah, you tell him. Grandeeney is not a lizard either, you big meanie." Wendy said. I stood up and turned facing towards Zancrow. "Dad? Can I get one hit?" I asked. Dad looked back at me before giving me a thumbs up. "Go for it." Dad said, stepping to the side. I started walking towards Zancrow as he laughed and pointed at me. "What's the little girl going to do? If Salamander can't injure me, what can a small girl like you do?" Zancrow asked. I rushed forward towards Zancrow before punching Zancrow in the face, sending him flying into a wall. "You might wanna consider who you're talking to when insulting dragons." I said, walking back over to Wendy. 

I went back to healing everyone with my magic before I heard rocks falling from where Zancrow ended up. "I've got my hands full with Salamander, but once I'm through with him, you'll be next." Zancrow said. I turned back to see him staring at me before dad stepped in front of him. "You'll have to get through me first. You guys better get out of here." Dad said, attacking Zancrow. Their attacks clashed but dad was knocked away by Zancrow before he started saying the spell for his Fire Dragon: Brilliant Flame spell. Wendy grabbed Carla and Lily while I had Happy and Sapphire with me rushing away from their fight. Happy and Sapphire took me into the air while Lily and Carla helped Wendy get out fo the radius of their attack. "What incredible power." Lily said.

"And such tremendous heat." Carla added. 

"The powers of a dragon and a god are colliding." Wendy said. Dad was being pushed back by the attack from Zancrow before getting knocked back. "Natsu!" Wendy shouted. 

"Enough with the play by play. Get lost cats!" Zancrow shouted. He directed some flames towards us which I used my magic to shield us from for the most part, but my hands were getting burned as I held off the attack. We landed on the ground after his attack faded and my shield evpaorated away from the flames. "Y/n, Wendy, are you alright?" Carla asked.

"I'll be fine." I answered. Dad used his Fire Dragon Roar spell while Zancrow mentioned something about how the gods were the ones to make fire. Zancrow started eating the fire that dad used to attack him with. "That's some tasty fire you've got there. Nothing I like more then the flavor of violent never ending flames. Even though you may have the power to slay a dragon you could never slay a god." Zancrow said. Zancrow casted a spell called Flame God Bellow which easily consumed the area where dad was standing before blowing up and consuming the rest of us. We were sent flying off the cliff towards the ground below us while Happy called out for dad. As we fell I had Sapphire grab me before we flew over and caught everyone except for dad before hitting the ground. Once I managed to get up from the ground I started looking around hoping to find something that I recognized. "We need to find dad." I said, getting up. 

"How? We don't know where we are." Wendy said. 

"Give me a second, Celestia." I said. She nodded before I closed my eyes pushing my senses to their limits hoping to find dad or at least his magic power. As I focused on finding him I felt his magic growing as the smell of flames started reaching my nose. I smiled before turning towards where I was smelling dad's flames and sensing his magic power. "He's this way." I said, opening my eyes. Wendy nodded before we started rushing towards where dad was. Eventually I noticed dad's magic power disappear before something else took it's place. "Dad's gotten stronger." I said, smirking as I slowed to a walk.

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