Chapter 75

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Y/n's POV

When we got to where I felt dad's magic coming from, I saw dad and Gramps on the ground passed out from their injuries. "Celestia." I said, turning  Wendy. She nodded and the two of us moved Gramps and dad closer to each other and away from Zancrow who was laying in a small crater where I assumed dad hit him into before the two of us started treating dad and Gramps with our magic. We each took a turn trying to heal each of them and while Wendy was working on healing dad I could hear her starting to take deeper breaths. "Celestia, if you're tired stop. I've still got some magic on reserve. It should be enough to try and heal both once more." I said.

"Y/n's right, if you're not okay stop." Lily said.

"I'm fine, but I don't understand why I can't heal them even with Y/n's help. How come it isn't working?" Wendy asked. 

"Master's wounds may be too severe for sky magic to heal them. There may be nothing else we can do for them for the moment." Carla said.

"And Natsu?" Happy asked.

"I'm not entirely sure why he's not responding, but it feels as if there's something in the way." Carla explained. 

"Oh no, poor guy." Happy said, as tears started forming. As I was trying to heal Gramps' wounds I noticed that he started stirring. "Gramps?" I asked, looking hopeful.

"Wendy... Y/n..." Gramps said, weakly.

"Look who's back with the living." I joked, smiling at Gramps.

"Master?" Wendy asked. 

"I had faith that the two of you would find us. What a blessing, are you two well?" Gramps asked.

"Doing just fine here." I answered.

"Yes sir." Wendy answered.

"I'm an old man, but Natsu... He's our guild's future. Save him." Gramps said. Gramps let out a groan of pain as he said dad's name before looking at me. "Understand Y/n?" Gramps asked. 

"But master you're hurt. We can't just leave you here in pain like that. If you hang on I'm sure we'll figure out a way to help both of you." Wendy said. 

"His scarf it's been tainted." Gramps said. I looked over seeing that he was looking at dad's scarf which had me concerned since it was normally white while right now it was black. "Please, you must try to return it to normal." Gramps said.

"What are you talking about Gramps?" I asked.

"I need to fix his scarf?" Wendy asked.

"The malevolent force is what's preventing him from being healed." Gramps said. I looked at Wendy who nodded while I poured more magic into trying to heal Gramps. "What are you doing Y/n? I told you to save Natsu, not me." Gramps said.

"Oh yeah? Who's going to scold me if I don't heal you?" I asked. Gramps just looked at me clearly annoyed at my answer. "Good now be quiet and let us focus." I said. Gramps went quiet as I heard Sapphire speak up. "What happened that made Natsu's scarf black?" Sapphire asked.

"This creepy guy who wouldn't stop crying that we ran into earlier is the one that did it." Happy explained.

"Creepy guy?" I asked. 

"Grimoire Heart is here looking for someone. Do you think this crying man you met, could he be Zeref?" Lily suggested. I got a bad feeling thinking about whoever this crying man was and how he just turned dad's precious scarf from white to black. Something about the energy the scarf was giving off was scaring me and made me worry about whoever this person was. After trying for a while Wendy managed to get dad's scarf back to normal before Happy had use flip dad's vest around so it didn't match. I continued to try and heal master but was getting close to running out fo magic. As I was using what little magic I had left I saw dad sit up. "Natsu!" Wendy cheered.

"You're alive!" Happy cheered, joining in with Wendy. Dad looked over to Wendy first asking about where Gramps was. "He's right here." I said. Dad turned and looked at me before gasping. "Y/n! stop this instant." Dad demanded. 

"I can't, Gramps isn't healed yet." I said, feeling exhausted from using my magic. Dad clicked his tongue at me before walking over and hitting me on the head knocking me out. 

Wendy's POV

"Natsu!" I shouted, as he hit Y/n.

"Sorry Y/n, but this is for the best." Natsu said. I looked at him before nodding in agreement. "She was using too much magic and was running out, wasn't she?" I asked. Natsu nodded before laying Y/n down next to Gramps. "Woah, my scarf." Natsu said, looking at his scarf. 

"Wendy used her sky magic to get all the bad gunk out of it. She also flipped your clothes around while you were asleep." Happy explained.

"I owe you one, thanks." Natsu said, turning towards me. 

"No problem. Although I wish I could've stopped Zuli from healing master so much." I said.

"Nah, she was going to do that either way." Natsu said. I just nodded and looked at her. Natsu stopped and stared at me for a moment before getting closer and sniffing me. "Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Get your slimey nostrils away from her, you fire-breathing pervert!" Carla shouted.

"I know this smell." Natsu said, standing up suddenly.

"What smell? Please tell me it's fish." Happy asked. 

"It has to be him, but why would he be on the island?" Natsu asked.

"Who is he talking about?" Lily asked.

"Wendy can you smell it too?" Carla asked, looking at me. 

"No sorry, there are too many new scents out here and I've been having trouble of figuring out who's who." I answered.

"Natsu, who'd you catch a whiff of? Is it Jellal?" Happy asked.

"No, it's the guy we met on Galuna Island." Natsu said. Natsu was looking around trying to figure out where the scent was coming from before taking off. "It's this way." Natsu said. I watched as he rushed off without stopping. "Natsu wait!" Happy called.

"Well there's no point in trying to stop him." Happy said.

"What happened on Galuna Island? Who's he talking about?" I asked.

"Oh you know the routine. Stuff happened then he had an all out magic brawl with the guy." Happy said.

"Do you think he wants revenge?" I asked.

"I'm more concerned about all this Lost magic business." Carla said.

"I must admit I'm envious of Natsu's sense of smell. He's just like an animal." Lily said.

"Well it is Natsu." Carla added.

"It's as simple as that, huh?" Lily asked.

"Pretty much." Happy answered.

"Although it is daughter like father in that regard." I joked. 

"What do you mean?" Carla asked.

"Y/n has about the same level of scent detection as Natsu." Sapphire said.

"Exactly." I added.

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