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Later that night, big bro awoke in some sort of concrete room, there being nothing but chair that big bro was tied off. Big bro pants as he looks around, having memories of what Connor did at the trailer, making him pant as he tried to escape, but couldn't.

Big bro then saw a door open, revealing Connor, walking inside. Big bro looks up at Connor with a disgusted and angry glare. "You fucker...when I'm out of here, I'm gonna--" big bro was cut off by Connor hitting him hard enough to break a lot of his teeth out and dislocated his jaw. "Shut. Up." Connor said in a cold tone. Big bro couldn't help but flinch and shake from the voice of someone who has killed him an unknown amount of times.

"I told you, if you ever target my kids...I'd make you pay." Said Connor. "I did nothing!" Yelled Big bro, having his lower jaw fixed. "Rather or not if you sent them personally...the people were sent by someone who works for you...meaning your involved...meaning even if you aren't the one who personally sent them, your gonna pay." Said Connor. Connor then glares down at him, seeing him shake as he looked at Connor with hatred. Connor doesn't speak, instead slap him hard enough to knock out a handful of teeth.

Big bro grunts as he bleeds from his mouth, the teeth regenerating. "Don't you look at me like that...your nothing but a bastard who deserves this." Said Connor. Connor got closer as he clench a fist and lift. "And you have hundreds of years of worth of deaths and torture to endure before your even close to being dead." Said Connor. From there, Connor began torturing and killing Connor for every person he had killed, raped, drugged, enslaved and worse.

As the rest of the night past, Connor has killed and tortured big bro till he was unconscious and seemed to be brain dead, but Connor knew it wouldn't last since be knew the healing involves mental too. He still has trauma and PTSD, but things like being brain dead and all that doesn't last long, so Connor knew he didn't have long before be could continue the next night.

Seeing as its almost morning and need to be there for the class, he left the concrete room before leaving, heading back to the school. Arriving at the school, Connor walked to his dorm to change out of his messy clothes, also shower and got some breakfast before heading to class, having an hour before it starts. Arriving, Connor enters the classroom and saw everyone inside, playing or talking.

Connor walked inside as he noticed Yaeka sitting by one of the small tables, playing with blocks. Connor smiles before approaching her, earning her attention. Seeing Connor, she smiled as she got off the chair and walked to Connor, making him catch her before she fell, having not gotten her to walking yet. "Hey there sweetheart, how are you?" Asked Connor. She smiles widely, making cooing noises.

"I'm happy your alright." Said Connor. The door suddenly opens, making Connor turn to see Maria, looking down as she looked upset. Connor could tell why she was upset and knowing the reason, Connor approaches her, looking down at her her before pulling her into a hug, Maria hugging back immediately. "Thank you...Mr Smith...thank you..." Maria mutters, crying into Connor's chest. Connor looks down at her before speaking. "It's alright...as your teacher it's my job to protect my students...I promise I'll protect you and rescue you if your ever in danger." Said Connor.

Maria clenched into Connor tighter. Connor looks down at her before caressing her back. As everyone stared at them, they were confused to what is happening, Ms Satsuki being the only one who knows what has happened the night before. From there, Maria stayed at the classroom for now, wanting to remain with Connor and Yaeka for a whole to calm down. After a while, it was time for class to finish for the day, making the parents take the kids to their dorms while Connor brought Kotarou to his.

After doing so, Connor walked his way out of the school, informing staff that he'd be back later tonight. The reason for this was cause he was heading to where he trapped big bro, planning to torture him. Connor plans to spend every night torturing and killing big bro for everything he's ever done, before finally going for the killing blow. Its been the same for months now. Connor did his best to protect and teach the kids while torturing and killing big bro for everything he's done.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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