Chapter 7

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"Morning." I slowly entered the staff-only entrance.

"Clean your station." Paul replied.


"It's boss Paul." He noted sarcastically.

"I'm sorry."

I turned around. There's this anger inside me of the way he treated me this morning. So childish. I've told him in the most polite way that I don't do romance at work. But he kept pushing me to buy myself some time. Telling me everyday that he would still wish for another chance. It's a dead lock to me. After couple months, my heart's still frozen.

"Girl, you okay?" Todd showed up and brought me a cup of hot chocolate.

"Thanks." I sipped it. "Yeah..."

"How's she doing?"

"Still unconscious til last time I left. Her bruises look horrible. I don't know."

"Shireen is a tough girl. She will somewhat make it to open her eyes again."

"Really hope so..."

Todd and I ended up praying together for Shireen. I wish I could run back to the hospital but Paul didn't let me anymore. He had a bad mood from last night. If I came home with him I think he would be just fine with me staying there with Shireen by now. But I chose Riley. Paul didn't accept that quite well. Unfortunately, he's the boss.

"I'm gonna open." Todd flipped the door sign from 'close' to 'open', as our first customer line lined up.

"Good morning. What's your coffee for today?" I took the cashier work.

"Hey Minerva!" A girl, the regular customer, came to hug me.

"Oh hi Sara." I hugged back.

"Todd? Why with Todd?" She noticed with whom I supposed to work my shift with.

"Shireen's..." I choked.

"She takes a little leisure time, which causes me double shift." Todd helped me build up a reason.

"Oh poor you." Sara laughed. "Shireen would get my usual but yeah she's not here so... I'm taking green tea."

"Latte, ice or hot?"

"Ice, please."

"Sure thing. One ice green tea latte!" I spoke to Todd.

"On it!" He replied.

And my morning goes like that. My thoughts flew everywhere, from Shireen to overall what happened last night at the hospital parking lot. But you gotta work at the working hours. Todd and I did a good job being new shift partner. I used to work with him couple times before. But it's quite a long time ago. Shireen and I have been partners for almost 2 years. We never ditched each other. Working with Todd was amazing. I just missed my girl so much.

"Shouldn't you go to hospital?"

That familiar voice, and a tap on shoulder.


"Why not?"

"Paul doesn't let me. Not until my shift's over."

"Let me talk to him."

He went up further to the 'staff only' area, which now I had to stop. "Riley, don't do this."

He read my unspoken reaction. Paul has already stood up from his working chair the second he saw Riley. There's gonna be another war. But just as stubborn as Paul is, Riley was unstoppable.

"Todd! Todd!" I whispered running toward him. "Please help me!"

"What? Oh wait where's Riley?"

"He's inside with Paul." My voice started to sound shaky.


"I don't have enough time to explain you this - but you know why, right?"

I gave that eye-to-eye power to Todd and he immediately nodded his head. Like I told you. All people in here did realize what has been happening with Paul and his childish side whenever it comes to me. Thankfully Todd agreed to help me separate both alphas.

"Dude, you gotta let her go. She needs to see Shireen."

"What's so important about that, that makes you care so much?"

"Just let her go."

"No! She's my worker. I don't do salary without a work!"

"Riley stop it... Just come back when my shift's over." I took his arms but he stood still and strong.

"You guys dating?" Paul confronted.

"Oh cmon Paul it's unnecessary." Todd held him. "Just go, I'll take care of this."

"Who are you to decide? I'm the boss here! No!"

"I beg you. Please let her. It's just another 30 minutes. We can handle." Todd convinced him.

"No matter we're dating or not, you would never be able to overcome it." Riley threw a death glare. "I'll be outside."

"Back off!" Paul screamed.

"I'm not talking to you." Riley glared him once again before stormed out from the front door.

"'s okay. It's over." Todd let me fall into his hug and cried a deep one. "Paul's out for a cigarette time. You may leave in 10. Now change yourself."

"Thank you so much Todd I owe you everything." I swept my tears away.

"Thank me later. Get Shireen back to life for us."

"Will do."

I changed myself back to normal clothes. I don't care if Riley's not in his car anymore, I'm gonna just take the bus to the hospital. I said goodbye and thank you a thousand times more to Todd as he will cover up for me to Paul, then took off.

"Mirv?" Riley waved.

"Oh you're still here."

"Told you. Let's go."

Just like last night, he took care of me gently with the seat belt and everything. I wonder why he's still here, and wonder why he's doing this.

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