A Bug in this Magic Item

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"Since I will be staying here to help with the repairs, this is unfortunately where we must part ways for now. Which is why I would like to request my reward in advance!"

Cecily chirped, her arms crossed behind her back as she smiled cutely.

"Hah? Reward?"

Naruto questioned incredulously as he stared at the nun flatly. After everything that happened between the two of them, and this girl still had the audacity to ask for money?

She really was blonde Aqua.

"Yes! My reward for maintaining your image here in Alcaretia! After all, news about your sure-kill ability is spreading quite fast."

Cecily explained while smiling mischievously, causing Naruto to flinch.

The two were standing off to the side near some construction pallets at the city's entrance. Bodies scurried around the bustling plaza preparing supplies for repairs, or recruiting members to the Axis Cult.

'That sounds more like blackmail...'

Naruto thought with a twitching eyebrow.

Although, it would save him a lot of trouble if Cecily kept that thing the Axis Cult called a pontiff from damaging the reputation he'd worked so hard to rebuild.

The shinobi was also feeling grateful to Cecily because her presence had proved to be invaluable in avoiding recruitment attempts. The moment the Axis members noticed Cecily next to Naruto, they would ignore him.

Just him anyways. The rest of the party was still fair game.

'Poor Kazuma...'

Naruto glanced back to see the guy trying his best to decline a recruitment offer by the gatekeepers.

When they made first contact, Cecily had pulled Naruto to the side.

Wiz, who was standing behind Kazuma, noticed the shinobi staring in their direction and sent a cheerful wave to which Naruto returned with a grin.

"Hmmm... Okay, I'll bite. What do you want? But just so you know, I really am broke. So money's not an option."

Naruto stated and faced the nun again, deciding to proceed with caution.

As long as this woman didn't ask for anything unreasonable, it would be a fair exchange for the sake of squashing any potential misunderstandings about him in Alcanretia that could potentially spread throughout the kingdom.

"A bite from you sounds very tempting after what you awakened in me, but I was thinking more along the lines of this-"

Cecily started before she leaned forward and kissed Naruto on the cheek.

"Wha... Eh?"

Naruto stuttered and put a hand to his cheek the moment the priestess pulled away.

"Thank you for helping us save the Axis Order. Next time we meet, let's finish that wedding for real. Third time's the charm~!"

Cecily beamed and winked at the befuddled shinobi before spinning on her heel and walking off into the bustling City of Hot Springs with a skip to her step.

'What... Just happened?'

Naruto thought while staring off into space, his hand falling limply to his side as his mind continued to process what had just occurred. The blonde then shook his head and slapped his now blushing cheeks a couple times.

'Focus, Uzumaki! You will not be enticed by that crazy woman! Remember your training!'

Letting out a huff, Naruto turned and started making his way towards the gates.

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