Chapter 51

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The paparazzi all morning had been out of this world mental, like they're normally crazy but since my video last night every single one has been screaming questions about our engagement. 

"Calm down, they're not allowed past those doors" Charles sat next to me, he was supposed to be putting his suit on but instead he was trying to comfort me, I felt like I was in the way here. 

"I'm all good, but I might go down to Merc for a bit before the race" I really wanted to see George. 

"Yeah alright, I've got all my security here now so they van walk you down there whenever" He kissed my forehead.

"I think I'm gonna go now, I love you, I'll be back before the race, guaranteed" I kissed his lips softly. 

"Okay love you" He opened his door for me, his security were directly outside, "I want all three of you down there with her, you can only come back when you're sure she's either with George, Lewis or Toto" He told his three burly bodyguards. 

"Laters" I waved, I felt bad leaving but I also didn't want to be a pain here so. I text George asking if he was alright for me to come to Merc, he obviously said yes, Lewis was also with him in his driver's room so I'd have more company. 

As soon as the door opened the flashing started again, I tried to just keep my head down and put my sunglasses on to block it all out, but that was virtually impossible with the amount of  cameras there was. Each one asking the same question just in a different font, "Why you?"

"Why you, he could have any supermodel, why you?" 

They were all too scared to ask that outright though so it was more things like," when did you realise he loved you?" . All sugar-coated versions of the same dreaded question.

As we were walking I noticed Max shoving his way through al the cameras, when he got through he was stood next to me like a blocker, with his middle finger proudly raised shouting at them all. It was one of the best things about him, he can do what he likes, unlike Charles and I, his image is that he doesn't give a flying fuck, he does what he wants, when he wants, where he wants. 

"Where are you headed?" He shouted over the noise. 

"Merc, wanna chat with George!" I shouted back, he just nodded, pushing through the men in front of us, making a path for me to get through to the Mercedes garage. 

"I'm gonna call Kelly quick and I'll be in there too" Max stopped outside, the paparazzi dispersed when I went through the door. George and Lewis were waiting by the entrance. 

"When you said paps were bad, I severely underestimated you" George put his arm around my shoulder walking us down the corridor. 

"Yeah it's not nice" I told him, he had his race suit tied around his waist with just his fireproofs on his upper-half, Lewis had the same. 

"Do you want a snack?" Lewis asked, he had an apple in his hand that he'd just taken a bite out of. 

"No thank you, big breakfast" George instantly gave me a look, he knows me too well, I never have breakfast on race day. "Max said he's gonna be here in a mo" 

"Yeah I text him saying you were dropping by here" George said. 

"He found us halfway down, ruining paparazzi photos yelling at them"

"Classic Max" Lewis smirked. 

"Saying that from third in the championship" Max appeared, putting one arm over my shoulder and the other over Lewis. We were now walking in a row of four down the hall. 

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