Hex & Swatch. 7.

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Different POV, eh?

This is strange.

You hear my thoughts...

They're all looking at me weird.

I didn't do anything wrong.

I was as scared when Callie died as anyone.

~ • ~ • ~

Footsteps echoed in the hallway as the new worker came towards the bloodstained place in 9825. The two subjects inside shrank back. The door swung open and the subjects darted to the far corner of the place. The worker scoffed. As if that would help them.

The older subject hesitantly approached, their hands shaking as they attempted a wave. The worker glared at the subject and the subject retreated.

"Well don't leave, just enough with the whole 'oh hi nice to meet you for the hundredth time' crap."

The subject came back, the smaller one clinging to their side.

The worker grabbed hold of the subject's hand, dragging them down the hallway to the room they were dreading going to. The worker shoved aside the smaller subject, leaving her on the cold, hard floor.

~ • ~ • ~

I don't know where I am.

It's dark.

I need to get back to Hex.

They need me.

I don't know who replaced me, but they're probably young.

I've seen the Bad People bring in a lot of kids lately.

I don't know where I am.

~ • ~ • ~

The afterlife isn't as pretty as most people think.

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