Hex & Swatch. 9.

1 0 0

I've been through this before, why does it still hurt so much

I feel like I'm dying

The pain is so much

Too much

Another square patch of gray is gone

A colored square comes into view

I struggle against the straps on the chair

The colored patch is stitched into place

Please make it stop

~ • ~ • ~

Tangerine breathes deeply, in and out. Her bloody shoes leave red prints behind her.

A chillingly familiar voice sounds behind her.

"Hello, kitten."

Tangerine stops in her tracks.

"He-ello?" she says.

"Well, you did good last time, didn't you, kitten? Got to about.... 30, was it?"

Tangerine doesn't answer.

"You only have 2 tries left, kitten."

Tangerine still stays silent.

She knows that's the truth.

She can't let it be wasted.

Not this time.

~ • ~ • ~

I'm still adjusting to you being able to hear my thoughts, if I'm being honest.

I've found that this place is bigger than I thought.

There's a lot of room to walk around in the dark.

I can't find any sort of means to an escape, though.

And I'm starving down here.

I don't know how much longer I'll last.

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